Sunday, October 5, 2008


51. I am grateful for how long fall has lasted. It's been lovely here- last week was in the 70's. We are soaking up every ray of sunshine we can!
52. For the fun the fam had yesterday painting the sandbox/playscape that Viking Man upgraded. He also added 2 more bi-swings (for lack of a better name). The kids are living at the play area these days!
53. For the good food Viking Man brought home on Friday- catered Mexican with salsa that was delish! Next year we're growing cilantro.
54. Talking with College Woman each week and keeping up to date with blogs, facebook, email and phone!
55. That Viking Man is a techno-head and got me up to speed with a 3-column lay-out. Woohoo!
56. For kids who know how to work and do so without (much) griping.
57. For all of the new babies at church. The little 4-mth old that we sat behind today was too cute!
58. For apples to dry.
59. For apples to eat.
60. For the friends at class-day on Friday. Good food & laughs shared all around.
61. For United Streaming.
62. The ability to watch the V.P.debate on Thursday.
63. The very funny SNL spoof on the debate!
64. A new contact I talked with on Thursday regarding the possibility of a UMS in the area.
65. For TeaParty Queen KB and the tea party she hosted today for the other kids.
66. For Cub. He is so stinkin' cute. KB made him get dressed up and he looked soo adorable!!
67. For the p.b. cookies Flower and KB made.
68. For popcorn every Sunday nite.
69. For words. The poetry class that I am teaching is a blast. Writing is a blast. Reading is a blast. Words are just fun.
70. For the kids piling in our bed every night to get read to, to talk and to pray together.

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