I am a long time fan and user of Memoria Press. In the past I’ve reviewed Famous Men of Modern Times and have an on-going love affair with Highlands Latin School. Needless to say I was happy, happy, happy to get the chance to review one of MP’s new Core Packages. As always, MP delivers.
I chose to review Core 6 with a few modifications which I’ll explain as I go.
The Lesson Plans are good; it’s a 2 page spread per week divided by days of the week on top and subject areas down the side: Latin, math, spelling/grammar/composition, American Studies/Science, Classical Christian Studies, and Literature. Before each assignment there is a small box to check if you want to keep track that way. Then the book and lesson or pages assigned; neat, well laid-out and very functional. Furthermore it’s comb-bound so it lays flat (love that!). The program is based on a 33 week year.
The Getting Started portion of the book is a great overview and gives the teacher basic, but excellent helps in Latin Recitation, Latin, Math, Spelling, Grammar, Literature, Poetry, Classical Studies, American Studies, Christian Studies, and Science/Nature Studies.
For instance, under Christian Studies, “The goal of Christian Studies in 6th grade is to provide the students with an overview of what is in the Bible- like a map that they can carry with them in their heads.” Basic but clear, straightforward and simple, but perhaps not easy.
By Subject
Literature Guides focus on vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, composition skills and developing active readers. We’ve used the Iliad, Odyssey and Trojan Horse in beta form and Feeche and I loved the time we spent together going over these great pieces. The guides are excellent and address difficult concepts in literature; each workbook section draws out vocabulary, comprehension questions, quotations, discussion questions, enrichment exercises and reading notes.
Classical Composition. I’ve taught writing to groups for almost a decade and really love good writing curriculum. This one is new to me, and definitely on my list of writing curriculum to love. “Fable” starts with the reading of a fable. Then 3 plot components are understood (recognition, reversal and suffering – don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense, it’s all in the teacher’s guide and explained in detail). Then the student does a Variation, giving synonyms for words, and creates a 3 level outline. The kids are going to learn tons of Figures of Description, how to outline, re-write, and really grab a hold of good language. I am jazzed about this program, especially since Writing With Skill II won’t be out in the fall. Writing Geeks, unite, it’s another writing program to LOVE.

Classical Studies What’s not to love here?! Famous Men of Greece, with MP’s lavishly illustrated text and excellent study guide which includes facts to know, comprehension questions, vocabulary, activates (including map work) and flashcards for memory work. (I’m a flash card junkie so this makes me happy-it’s neat, type written and done for me). As if that wasn’t enough you get “The Trojan War”, complete with literature guide. Feeche and I did this together 3 years ago when it was being beta tested. It was a blast then and it will be fun to be doing it again with my younger kids. Not done yet: add in “Horatius at the Bridge”. 6th Graders at Highlands can work to earn the prestigious “Churchill Award” by memorized Horatius at the Bridge. It is a beautiful and epic tale and one we’ll be adding to our repertoire this year.
Science We switched out Bird study for Trees and will also be doing Exploring the History of Medicine this year. The guide is simple: 7 weeks on “Meet the Bird”, 5 weeks on “How birds live” and 7 weeks on “The Wider World of Birds.” It includes lots of observation and getting to know 2 specific birds a week. I think we’re going to be doing some note booking along with this, and adding in some cool projects from a couple of nature catalogs we’ve been enjoying.
American/Modern Studies Students read Guerbers’s “The story of the 13 Colonies” and “The Story of the Great Republic” along with). The study guide includes facts, vocabulary, questions, map work, drawings, research, writing assignments and time-line. I think we’ll be doing a notebook for this as well.
Latin First Form is the best Latin we’ve found for our family (Meaning neither parent has anything beyond the most basic proficiency in Latin). It’s straight forward, clear, focuses on a limited but growing vocabulary, extensive grammar, derivatives, Latin Saying, charts and form drills. The Core comes complete with the DVD’s, TM, SM, tests and answer key, and my beloved flashcards. First Form was one of our BIG wins last year and we look forward to another successful year with it.
Christian Studies We’ve done 1-3 and learned an amazing amount. In fact, I think it’s a great overview of the Bible. I especially like the fact that it is not denominational/doctrinally oriented and can be easily used by Catholics or Protestants. CS IV is a general survey study highlighting the Bible, reviewing drill questions, Scripture memory passages, and more.
My complaints are few. I wish that Christian Studies and American Studies had the reading listed at the top of the week in the study guides, rather then just in the Lesson Plan book. It’s so not a biggie I’m over it already. My second complaint is that I don’t have a group of MP junkies lined up to do Core 6 with us. This year is going to rock.
Now on to the Give-Away.
I love to share the wealth and I'm going to be giving away 3 sets to 3 different winners with this review:
The Teacher Guide and Student Guide for Treasure Island, The Teacher Guide and Student Guide for Anne of Green Gables, and the Teacher's Guide and Student Guide for Christian Studies I.
All you have to do to enter is
1. go to the Memoria Press FB page and "like" or go to the MP web-site and sign-up for their excellent Classical Teacher here.
2. Join Golden Grasses through Google friend, Networked Blogs or following by email. If you are already a "friend" just lmk.
3. Leave a comment that you've joined Golden Grasses and connected with Memoria Press.
4. Enter more times than one: mention this give-away on your blog, FB or Twitter and leave it in your comment, with an extra chance to win for each network utilized.
Give-Away ends and winners will be announced July 28. Winners have 5 days to send me their snail mail addy.