Leave Your Mark from DryMaps™
One of the best finds of the curriculum season was DryMaps. The tag-line is "striking and affordable dry-erase boards," and they are every bit of that. I'm a bit of a map girl and found this amazing new company at the MN Catholic Conference. Lucky Me! I had a great discussion with the two gentlemen at the booth and later took Flower over to see what I had discovered. She was sold in a matter of minutes! We immediately ordered a World Map and went from medium to large with gray shaded oceans and outlined countries.
We were also given the U.S. Map to review and love it.
What is so cool about DryMaps? Well, they are white boards- so you can write and draw on them, erase, and do it all again. The maps come in white, black or gray, with outlines, or not. In other words, they are somewhat customizeable, which means they are going to be perfect for whatever you need them for.
Super, duper L.O.V.E.
Super, duper L.O.V.E.

These maps are fun to mark your travels on, write silly notes, remind you of where you've been or where you are going. And, if you have kids who thought the work/vaca was a little too much work and not enough vaca, they can record both their journey, and their dissatisfaction.
And white boards, c'mon, who doesn't love them? We have several from super large to paper size and use them all almost daily. With DryMaps we have added to our collection- aforementioned U.S. and World Maps but I can actually see a few more in our future- did you see the fun coasters and state maps? I am imagining birth state DryMaps for birthday presents! Or a wall of DryMaps from all the places you've lived, if like us,you have moved around a bit.
I wanted to show you how sturdy these maps are. While they aren't particularly wide, they are tough as nails, despite being man, or girl,handled. Additionally, they are extremely light weight, so you can easily carry and transport them. Some of us in this household love educational and office supplies. Even more so if they are spectacularly functional, or creative. DryMaps are both.
As a cool bonus, for each map sold, DryMaps donates $1 to meet the educational needs of poverty-stricken children and schools throughout the world. Just another great reason to purchase from DryMaps.
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