This week was full of people; weddings, graduations, co-op get togethers, a Windows into Challenge meeting and more graduations. It was fun coming and going!

Flower has been taking violin from a talented neighbor-ish, who also happened to be a good friend of hers. We've also been doing Piano With Willie, which is a terrific on-line music program, highly affordable, with tons of information on the web-site for musician wannabes of all ages.
The kids hosted TeenNight at our house this week and even though it was freezing out (even with the bonfire and my winter coat), they had a great time making S'mores, roasting hotdogs, playing Spoons (or Sardines- who knows), taking their lives into their own hands by venturing into the barn and running wild over most of the acreage. Occasionally, a coupe of them would venture inside to thaw out. The vote is in and we'll do it again every month this summer.
Shakespeare Camp is right around the corner and Cub has been busy memorizing Ferdinand. Flower just walks on this year, as do most of the younger kids their first year or two. To prep, I think we'll watch The Complete Works of Shakespeare. All 37 plays and 154 sonnets in 90 minutes. You can find it here.
I am getting a blog make-over soon. Can.not. wait.It's only been 7 years- time for some style, dontcha' think? That being said, I would LOVE to hear and see links to your favorite blogs, any widgets you have found that are cool, headers/footer things? I'm definitely going to two columns and hope to have a drop-down menu. Anything else I need to consider? I'll give you more details as things progress, including the super cool gal that figured out how to update and coolify Blogger without having to export to WordPress. Stay tuned!http://i1297.photobucket.com/albums/ag30/Lisa_Nehring/siggywithflower_zps2ffa66ba.png @Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!