I survived this week. It included two 2-hour play practices, a 2 hour presentation on classical education and Classical Conversations, CC Community Day, Tutoring Foundations, learning grammar, and semester-end submissions for at least 2/3 of my student load at work; staff meetings and sortakindof figuring out the new computer system, Memory Masters review, 3 on-line computer classes for the kids, helping Feeche write a resume, the dishwasher repair man coming and finally o.k.ing the warranty to get a new dishwasher, hand washing dishes, friends and a zillion phone calls. I did manage to eek a work out or two, and have relied heavily on the kids cooking, the crock pot and friends who brought food, chocolate, prayer and belly laughs at all the right times.Needless to say, the Christmas decorations are all still up.


The 2015 Virtual Curriculum Fair is in full swing.
To date we've posted Playing with Words and Discovering Patterns.
Exploring our World is up this week and you will find tons of info on geography, science, history and more. I love this field of study (I know, I've said that every week) so come back tomorrow to read my post about some of our tried and true curriculum, including a linky for you to join the party!
I don't agree that we don't have these concepts in the U.S.- We totally embrace frilufsliv and gezelligheid 'round here. Especially during weeks like this past one that sported negative 17 degree weather. It did warm up to 1 degree the next day, which found Flower outside for over an hour, bundled to the brim, and enjoying the clear skies and bright sunshine that we have in abundance.

Why is this true?
My kids are drowning in Memory work; Foundations, Essentials, the play and Latin. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly they learn it all, embrace it, own it and start manipulating what they've learned and applying it to various areas.
Memoria est mater studiorum
Memory is the mother of learning.
Truth, that.

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