Original Learn Math Fast Review
My first encounter with Learn Math Fast was two years ago. I'll be honest, the review copies that we received post-fire/funerals, from rocking Math Author J.K. Mergens, was a god-send. You can read all about it here: Original Review.The Learn Math Fast system teaches grades 1-8th math in four books. Volume 1 is the thickest because it is foundational, setting the stage for further math victory. When we started this program, I had Cub (aged 12 at the time) and Flower (age 9 at the time) start at the beginning of the program. They did not feel put down by this. They felt like math was do-able and that they understood it well. Don't be afraid to go back and start at the beginning. Mastery is important. Your kids knowing what they know and that they know it is highly valuable.
Volume I covers first to third grade math.
Volume II covers fourth to sixth grade math.
Volume III covers Pre Algebra
Volume IV covers Basic Geometry
Volume V covers Algebra I
Volume VI covers Applications of Algebra
HIVE Update
I did an update for the Hive last year, because the word is getting out that this is a great curriculum, written by a former homeschooler, which JK Mergens is. You can read a short update of our math journey with Learn Math Fast here: Learn Math Fast Update.
LMF Discount Code
And as some of you know, since before Christmas, I've offered GG readers a discount code for any LMF purchase. Use the code, "golden" and get $5 off your LMF order. I've debated about monetizing this blog and doing tons of affiliate links, but I don't have the time, don't want this blog to be about pushing stuff down my readers throats and, reality check I stick with the same old curriculum suppliers that I LOVE and that WORK (with a few new amazing finds every now and then). So, you know, if I'm working with a company, it's not because I'm working my readers for a few dollars, it's because I BELIEVE in the product and want to share it with YOU. This code is good through June 2014 so order your math for fall now!
Here's where we're at with MATH now
Cub (a freshly minted 14 yo 8th grader) JUST finished Learn Math Fast Algebra - book V. WOOHOO. Why is this such a victory? After our house-fire, as I've said before, it's like the math stuffing just fell out of his head. We've had some incredibly stressful years and he is my linguistic, visual first, auditory second, learner. He is a good student, but very deliberate (read slow as molasses). Also, like I've said before, he'll take one look at some of the more popular publishers lessons, see 2 pages filled with numbers, symbols and figures and short out. It's visually overwhelming to him, written in a language (symbolic) that does not speak to his inner hard wiring- which is linguistic -words, baby, all the way- he is so my child..Which is why Learn Math Fast has been just the ticket. He is ready for the concepts. He is a get-er'done kinda guy. He likes the simplicity of the pages in Learn Math Fast. He likes the straightforward, here's the deal, explanation and the 5-20 exercises that focus on the concepts being taught. He likes the logical, sequential skill upon skill building that is integral to the program.

"MOM! Can't I just start the next Learn Math Fast book?!"
Look, if you have a non-mathy kid, like Cub, who is begging for the next math book in a series, you KNOW you have a winner. Especially when it is upper level math. My only complaint about Algebra I (book V of LMF system) is that it was a stretch towards the end for Cub and he would have to go back and reference previous lessons. He totally understood the concepts but he had a hard time always knowing how to apply it towards the end. To address that, I hope Mergens writes "1/2" books for practice (Like Explode the Code presents the concepts in the series 1-4 and the "1/2" books give extra practice of the concepts for those who need it- we didn't with ETC, not everyone will, but for those who do, it would be a welcome addition). Until then, there are extra practice pages on the Learn Math Fast web-site to drill pesky problem areas. Barring that I continue to L.O.V.E this program. It is simple, straightforward, inexpensive, easily understood.
And listen. I made it to Trig in high school, I have 2 Master's degrees, I know how to learn and how to study, but teaching upper level math programs makes me feel about as dumb as a box of rocks. With LMF I remember what I knew so much that I can actually help my kids when the concepts need a bit more explanation. Love that. Any curriculum that helps me, or my kids, feel empowered, well, I'm all about it!
Geometry, Cub cruised right through. Now, be advised, the Geometry book that we used was for Jr. High. Mergens is currently writing the high school geometry book and we'll be using that as soon as it's ready to be used! So, to be clear: Volume 4 is up to 8th grade geometry, volume 5 (Learn Algebra Fast) cover Algebra I and volume 6 covers Algebra II concepts. Mergens is currently writing Volume VII- High School Geometry.
Don't know where to start? There is a free math placement test on the Learn Math Fast web-site, here, along with math games and extra practice for those using the workbooks.
I've been promising a give-away and guess what? This is going to be an awesome give-away!! There will be two winners! One blessed GG reader will be shipped Vol 1-4 of Learn Math Fast and one winner will be shipped Volumes 5 and 6. Woohoo!
@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! <a href=">Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!
I am subscribed to both your blog and the LMF newsletter. I would love to win books 1-4! Thanks for the opportunity.
I've been wanting to try this with my learning delayed dd but $$ is always an issue for our family :( She struggles with math due to LD's & Epilepsy--so much that she's several grades behind.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I know someone is going to be incredibly blessed with this!!!
Subbed to both.
I subscribed to LMF by email.
I subscribed to LMF's newsletter.
Subbed to both. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
I subscribed to both.
I follow you via GFC and Networked Blogs. The set for younger kids would be perfect for us, thanks so much for the chance to win!
I would love to win the first four books! Thank you for the opportunity!
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