Welcome to the 3rd annual Tea and Coffee Review Blog Hop hosted by A Year of Jubilee Reviews
Each blogger in the hop is offering a giveaway of something to warm you up during these last few months of winter. Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate are just a few of the great drinks that will keep you toasty warm until we hit spring. Each blogger is offering a prize of a minimum of $20.
Be sure to hope around and check up the great line up!
In case you didn't know, I'm a confirmed addict and I'm not ashamed. Hot tea, cold tea, black, herbal or any other way, I'm happy to drink it any which way, just don't make it sweet! And coffee? Bring it. A bit of coconut milk and honey and I'm good to go. Or just plain old bold, straight up and strong enough that a horseshoe can stand up in it (with a nod to NM living and Hildago). Occasionally, I'll live wild and drink a skinny hazelnut latte. But it has to be mellow and not too sweet or I'll give it to one of my ds's to drink.
For years, I've been testing, buying, brewing and drinking. And when I'm not I'm more tired, more grumpy and just out of sorts. Seriously, I drink coffee for your protection.

Until about 6 months ago. And then our crazy, crunchy local chiro kind of changed my life. For one, I can walk, which is a totally different story but let me sum up how I feel about that; JOY. Not only can I walk, but I am also off all meds. I've been on synthroid for almost 20 years- the stuff for low thyroid. Not that they helped- they just led to more meds and quarterly blood draws. Let me sum up how I felt about that; SNARL.Well, on the recommendation of the aforementioned chiro I've been drinking Organo Gold Green Tea since April. I get 2 1/2 quarts out of each teabag and drink it hot, cold and lukewarm. I've never liked green tea. But I LOVE this stuff. It's smooth and a lovely color to boot (which totally speaks to my inner artist, right?). Being the frugalista that I am, I started snooping around the internet so that I could get it for less than I could buy it from him. Guess what? I found out that I could distribute the stuff. So, Dr. Dh and I signed up.

Organo Gold is infused with Ganoderma, which is used extensively in Chinese medicine. Some of the studied benefits:
Prevents tissue degeneration and in turn avoids the occurrence of various diseases.
Has anti aging properties and is believed to aid in longevity.
Strengthens the immune system.
Has been found to be effective in the fight against various types of cancer.
Aids in improving blood circulation of the body.
Protects and regulates a number of organs in the body, such as the liver and intestines.
Good for those suffering from high blood pressure.
Useful in detoxification of the body and rejuvenation of the cells.
Has antioxidant properties and helps maintain the metabolism of the body.
Oxygenates the body.
Boosts Stamina.
Packed with over 150 all natural antidioxidants.
Promotes youthful skin (Gano-Derma).
Provides more energy.
Promotes deeper and more enjoyable sleep (adios insomnia!).
Promotes sexual stamina.
But listen, you don't have to take my word for it. I'm giving 1 lucky winner a whole gift pack of coffee and tea samples and am even going to throw in some other amazing Organo Gold products. Sign up below to win. You can always go my Organo Gold web-site to check out all of the great OG products, or leavea a comment with any questions you might have! @Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!
Wow, Lisa! I am so happy for you and your improved health!!! Praise God! Thanks for introducing me to this company. I've never heard of them before now.
And I follow on GFC. :)
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Welcome to the party, Y'all! Thanks, Scarlett- the older we get the more we realize that good health is a great gift!
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Hi Lisa, I G+, Pintest, Blog Lovin, FB, Twitter, GFC and Email followed you on all of them. I cannot wait to try this new coffee.
Linda Finn
Faithful Acres Books
I went to your distributor site to order some of the green tea but I couldn't check out because it wanted me to become a distributor. I too have suffer for over 20 year with thyroid problems and my 16 yr old was diagnosed almost 5 years ago. Would love to try this. Please contact me through email as to how I can purchase through you. Thank you.
You can order directly from nehring.organogold.com by going to the "coffee connoisseur" section. Go to the bottom of the page, on the left hand side you'll see "buy coffee"- this will take you to the coffee connoisseur club. You can set up your account to have an auto ship every month. This was wht I was looking for, but I decided that joining up in an even bigger way was a better deal overall!
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Following you via GFC. Thanks for the chance!
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