It's deep winter here in the Territories. It hit hard and early, with several days of negative temps and more to come. Throw in some nasty wind chill and, yes, I live in one of the coldest cities in America. The saving grace of this wind swept prairie is the sun shines more often than not.
In retaliation of the super cold winter, Flower and I made giant sun catchers. I first read about them over at We are THAT Family and decided that this was gonna happen.
Kristen suggests that this works better in a metal cake pan, but I only had glass pans, so that's what we used.
4. Let cool and remove.You'll probably have several small holes that didn't close completely during the melting process from which to thread string or thin wire, or carefully drill a hole with a thin bit.
We discovered after the fact that there are glow in the dark beads in the design, which makes this really fun to view in a dark room. Can't wait to make a few more!
@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!
In retaliation of the super cold winter, Flower and I made giant sun catchers. I first read about them over at We are THAT Family and decided that this was gonna happen.
Kristen suggests that this works better in a metal cake pan, but I only had glass pans, so that's what we used.

1. Gather up your pony beads.

2. Choose a design, have fun with the colors or do something totally random.
3. Gently insert into oven and bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. It does smells like burning plastic. My 13yo flipped out a bit- olafactory flashbacks to the fire- so I sent him outside to run around with the dog.

We discovered after the fact that there are glow in the dark beads in the design, which makes this really fun to view in a dark room. Can't wait to make a few more!
@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!
This is just a wonderful idea! We have tons of pony beads and the girls love crafts. Thanks for the great idea for a sun catcher!!
Will have to pin this!
Awesome, thanks.
Perfect for a winter day when you want something FUN and not a "curriculum-related" art project....just art for the sake of fun.
Take care!
neat craft! :)
When my son no longer wants to hoard his pony beads I'll have to try this. :)
I have been wanting to do this but I couldn't figure out which type of beads to use as in the pictures they didn't look like pony beads. It has been bone chilling cold here too. Tonight and tomorrow dangerous windchills :(
So glad you are all liking this craft ; )!
Stay safe, Stacie!!
what a fun craft!
Very fun! My daughter has a bunch of these beads to use up, so I'll show her this idea. Thanks for linking up to the Virtual Fridge!
Too creative. Love it!
Great idea. Thank you for sharing Lisa :) No little girls here so no beads. I need to tell my sister about this though
What a good job. It came out very pretty. It will make a great sun catcher.
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