School this week includes lots of on-line resources: Cub is loving the Marine Bio class through
Bridgeway; IXL, Time 4 Learning and French Essentials are all keeping us hopping and God's World News on-line forum is rounding out the fun. More reviews coming so stay tuned.

Of course, they do plenty of other stuff, too. Cub continues to not HATE math with
Learn Math Fast- he just started Alg. I - I LOVE this program! It is easy, effective and will help your non-mathy kid feel successful at math.
Mary Daly's Whole Book of Diagrams, along with FLL IV- Flower loves diagramming; along with PreScripts cursive- love that program!
Science-well, yeah! Apologia Biology for Cub, and Tiner for Flower.
Lit- Flower finished Sarah, Plain and Tall, Cub...not sure, but something.
And you caught site of the amazing
duct tape chair, didn't you?
The kids finished Super Star Student by Great Courses. It's the older version and the guy went to the Shatner school of acting, but the content is great and the teacher's sincerity totally captivated the kids interest. Lots of good learning, definitely a course worth having your Jr and early Sr. Highschoolers go through (my copies for sale, just fyi and all that ; ).
Reviews; yes, we have 'em:
Diary of a Real Payne- total lit love- if you like Cleary or Henry, your (or your kiddo!) will LOVE this one!
God's World News- fantastic resource!! Make it part of your homeschooling- easy access to a whole lot of learning!
Homemaker's Mentor- there is still time to sign up for a copy of the CD's!
Just my .02 worth:
7 Things 2 Do 2 Stay Motivated 2 Homeschool
We finished
The Bronze Bow. How I love that book; it's a choke-Mom up book. It puts hands and feet to the faith in a way that your kids will get. Historical fiction at its finest by world class author Elizabeth George Speare.

I read
The Fourth Kingdom and
The Force by long time Joyce and Alexadra Swann. Joyce's 10 kids earned their Master's Degrees by age 15 and Alexandra is the author of No Regrets. You'll be hearing more about these great books when I do a full review. For now, content yourself with my short and
quick Amazon review.
My life is so exciting. Scored big at the organic chicken farm and only paid $7 a chick. Woot. Throw in a long and heat-felt talk with the sweet-heart chick farmers wife and my day was about made.
If that wasn't domestic thrill enough we found The Phantom menace at the Thrift store for a buck and a Bionicle Game that Cub actually talked other suckers patient family members in to playing with him. He hasn't stopped smiling since Friday afternoon!
But that's not all. We are going wifi (thank the good Lord, I might be able to get back on top of my life again), found wifi thingy for about 1/5 of the price we were thinking and threw in a dirt cheap camera to boot. Cub is in heaven because I told him I'd share with him. He is back in the stop-action movie making biz. Yes, he's still smiling!
I've decided that I AM going to finish my
crate stairs, which won't look quite like Donna's but they won't go on a Pinterest "Nailed It!" board either. And I'm cheating. I'm going to sharpie the stencils, since I am stencil painting challenged and sharpie-gifted. Call me Craft-Hacker.
I read this this week: If you are bit by the Serpent enough times, you become like him.
This week Ruthie and Don and Rikki show God's love to us in ways big and small. They have rejoiced with us and cried with us and offered us wisdom and love. They continue to say, in the face of hardship and hurt and no easy answers and repeated snake bites:
I pray that God lifted your head through the help of good friends and His love this week.
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