My mantra for the week. I am patient. I am patient. I am patient. I am. Really.
By the books: Cub started Henty's The Dragon and the Raven, while Feeche is reading Lawhead's The Warlords of Nin to him and the City of God for history. Flower and I are still making our way through On The Banks of Plum Creek. I also read Camilla by L'Engle and started A Circle of Quiet as well as The Art and Craft of Story Telling. L'Engle is not my favorite word-crafter but she is one of my favorite idea crafters.
In our homeschool this week…We are getting Latin done. I am loving First Form. Feeche and I were talking about it and both agreed that it's been the most approachable program we've tried (Latin for Dummies as it were). He is cruising through after several false starts with other program with the hope to get to 2nd Form before the end of the year. Flower is working through LC I and it is challenging. I am still loving R & S grammar. Cub started LoF Decimals. It was a rough start. We are finally getting into a routine now that Feeche is home again.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share....Steward this opportunity and time. If you are homeschooling, you are an educator. Take your job and your students seriously. Get trained, get read up, get educated and do the best job that you can.
I am inspired by…This week, to be honest, I was greatly discouraged to the point of frustrated tears. Having another week of prescribed sitting is not my idea of fun, inspiration or excitement. KB wrote on our kitchen chalkboard before she left one morning,
"Do not be discouraged nor be dismayed
for the Lord your God is with you."
I am inspired by this. It gives me courage. The Master of the Universe is on my side.
Places we’re going …To the theater (said with a quasi-British accent like on White Christmas during the modern dance scene)
It opens TODAY. KB and I saw an advanced showing last week. We loved it. We're going as a family tonight. The Kendrick Bros. just keep getting better and better. The humor in Courageous is touching, witty and lol funny. The plot line believable. The evangelistic message true but not preachy.
It opens TODAY. KB and I saw an advanced showing last week. We loved it. We're going as a family tonight. The Kendrick Bros. just keep getting better and better. The humor in Courageous is touching, witty and lol funny. The plot line believable. The evangelistic message true but not preachy.
Things I’m working on…an article on Sukkot for HSV to be published this coming Tuesday. Other articles for Heart of the Matter on line and a couple of guest blog spots.

How was your week? What did you get done? What inspired you?
For more inspiration check out the Blog Hop and Conversion Diaries.