Saturday, February 28, 2009
We're BACK!

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Scientific Observations
Animal Ecologist Hanna Kokko of Finland's Universiy of Hesinki, Sept.9 Current Biology
7 Quick Takes Friday
KB and Feche-boy outdid themselves this week in helping the notsolittles with school, staying on task themselves and helping me get the details for TP nailed down. KB made me so many cups of coffee and tea, they all helped clean the 2nd floor, and KB even made brownies in a cup = ). They are delightful people.
It has been a taxing and tiring week, but there is fullness and peace in knowing that God is near and knows us and our needs.
For more quick takes, hop on over to Conversion Diaries. Brew some tea, read a bit and join in the fun yourself! http://www.conversiondiary.com/2009/02/7-quick-takes-friday-vol-22.html
Thursday, February 19, 2009
WR: Lots Accomplished
Cub is almost done with Horizons 2. He is doing MP's Copybook III and doing great. I told him as soon as he was done with it we'd start IEW's Fables book and he is in hot pursuit! His pictures that he draws to correspond to the copy work are a hoot. This is one book I will keep to the end of my days!!
Memory Work is always there and we did a lot this week: Bible, Grammar, Latin sayings. The Grammar Catechism is so beautiful in it's comprehensive simplicity. I'm a recovering grammar phobic thanks to Living Memory. Feche Boy has been keeping it by his side as he does Latin lessons.
We read quite a bit of Christian Studies II this week. We'll have 8 weeks to finish it and CS III before the end of April.
We are moving along in Latin- it is getting done! woohoo!
Feche-Boy spent the week working his tail off on TeenPact Alumni homework. There is actual research and writing involved and it took some thought and time.
KB is working hard on IEW's Classical Rhetoric Through Structure and Style. She is on lesson 20 and it is really demanding that she think and write well. I LOVE this book. I hope to write a review on it soon, so stay tuned = ). Viking Man continues to tutor in Saxon and both older kids are moving along. I'm busy making up KB's transcript for the next thing. It always amazes me what we have done. Seems so often that we haven't done enough.
Traditional Logic II arrived, sans the TM. We're going to start it anyway. I want I & II to count under KB's writing classes on her transcript.
We started Shakespeare in co-op last week and KB had a blast doing the 2nd reading of The Tempest for everyone at home, complete with voices. It's going to be a fun program.
My trusty, dear TeenPact team, Barb, Jo and Monica, whom I am so thankful for I could just bawl, and I have the details nailed down and are ready for a rock-out week in Pierre next week. God is on the move and we'll be joining Him. Wish you could too, and I hope that a lot of you are = )!
Government Schools, the Real World and 2 Million Minutes
The entitlement culture has made it's way into our colleges and universities. Universities are now conducting seminars that “are meant to help students think differently about their classes and connect them to real life,” Professor Brower said. Many students believe that if they work hard and show up for classes they deserve an "A". Read more about it here
I know I've mentioned the 2 Million Minutes Project before but I've been thinking about it a lot again as I'm planning school for next year. http://www.2mminutes.com/lesson-plan/default.html My educational goals for the kids are to pursue their passions and callings, be "globally competitive," and have vocational training. It's a lot to think about and attempt. I know we'll fail and fall behind but I also know that everything is created twice. So, I can dream and scheme and hope to God that He will guide our path and perhaps, out of our vision, our children will be prepared for what's to come.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Thar Be Beaver on our River!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Family Idols, Family Alters

Thursday, February 12, 2009
WR: good tired and visually rich

We also watched a short movie produced by 40 homeschool students in conjunction with Patrick Henry college called Come What May. Well done. Someone gave Viking Man a copy of Fireproof and we watched that as well. I have to say, knowing what we do about the church that produced it, we are impressed. So, while we didn't get a lot of reading or history done, and it felt like a slog-through week, we were "visually rich."
Andrew Campbell

Monday, February 9, 2009
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is BAD NEWS!
For more information go to: http://www.parentalrights.org/
Call White house Switchboard @ 202-224-3121
This affects EVERY RELIGION and belief in America.
Please refer your Pastors to this website: http://www.parentalrights.org/ This affects our churches at their foundation- the family. Call NOW to let you Senator and Legislator know that you OPPOSE this treaty!
Counting the Cost

Be diligent, faithful, minster.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tantara: Festival of One Act Plays
KB performing "Longing for Home."
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
WR: Busy and Productive
This week we did Latin 3 days. Woohoo. We started at the beginning of LC II just to get it down. I am getting it. I feel like the Grammar Catechism is giving me the definitions that I need to really understand a foreign language. It's such a relief to understand when for years and years and through foreign languages, one after another, I just felt like a dolt, inadequate and stupid. I am getting it. I am learning it. I can teach it. It's really so simple. I am amazed.
We continue with Memory work though I just didn't have much umph this week. We went through the Grammar Catechism several times and are almost through Pronouns. Did I mention that you should get Living Memory, that the Grammar Catechism is brilliant and worth the price of the book?
We listened to SOTW Modern Ages for hours. I love S.W. Bauer's books. Jim Weiss' reading of it gets on my nerves but Cub loves it and made all sorts of connections again this week. He breathes history.
Math and phonics continue on. I'm going to have KB and Feche-boy watch Videotext along with Saxon. Math...our nemesis. Well, that and Grammar.
We finished Francis Shaeffer's How Shall We Then Live and watched another 3 sessions of Story of the World Megaconference. Volume 8 on the Mayan Civilization is sobering at best.
The weather was 49 degrees today- a wonderful break from the sub-zero temps we've had so far this winter. The kids spent 3 hours tramping all over our 10 acres today, soaking up sun and fresh air, the dogs romping along with them and everyone came in muddy and full of freshness. We walked to the river again at dusk, Cub with a kitten on his neck both there and back, and checked out Mr. Beaver's handywork, the water still with a thin layer of ice on it.
We read stories every night and Flower is writing stories and reading simple words everywhere and delighted when she can make sense of things. She and Feche-boy spent hours today creating maps and KB and Cub are drawing a lot as well. We continue to read chapters a week in the Bible and are moving steadily along in CS II. Cub begs for it daily and is having a blast relating ancient history to the Bible. KB is going to start with a co-op tomorrow taking Molecules and Art. Our little co-op is going to have a mom's meeting tomorrow to get focused and tighten up our spring.
The Winter Warm-Up is Saturday and we have 50 gals registered. TeenPact is at the end of the month and we have 36 students for the 4-day class and 26 for the 1-day. Another full and busy week. How was yours?