Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Project Report 2011-2012

I needed a boost. In the interests of mental self-preservation I've decided to catalog all that we've gotten done on the house re-build since last Labor Day.
(click the links for the full story behind each entry)

I go out in the morning and walk the path just for fun, listening to the morning gossip of the Guinea Fowl.
I'm simple that way.

Brass doorknobs and plates. Who knew? Well, Dr. Dh did- one of the benefits of marrying a geek. 
 Brasso and elbow grease and KB's attention to detail.
Total love.
 (except for the guaranteed Brasso-chemical induced headache. Every time.)

The kiddos play-table, and copies of the covers from my Mommas Mother West Wind books, given to her as incentive to learn to read by my beloved Gram.
Flower read Mother West Wind this summer and loved them, just like I did when I was little.
Makes me happy every time I look at it.

The 2nd floor bathroom. A total work-of art.
Who says total geek and true artist can't reside in the same man?
Dr. Dh (a.k.a Renaissance Man) rocks my world.

The porch. Painted last summer but finally put together.
Every hour we spend out here is sweet.

Total fun.

Priming and painting the basement and entire 2nd floor over the course of 2 days (thank-you Feeche, KB and Gayla!!)

Texturizing the walls and ceilings on the second floor and basement- 1600 square feet, done over a 2-day period. Dr. Dh's buff bi-ceps were beat at the end of the week-end. Mike, we owe you BIG.

Mudding and taping the new drywall that abuts the plaster board in several areas of the 2nd floor in all of the places that we added and subtracted closets and plumbing, etc.

5 coats with a light sanding between each one.
Total beauty. 

Sanding 80+ years of grit and grime off of the 2nd floor floors and stairs. 2nd floor floors. Deserves a whole separate acknowledgement 'cause it took hours of break-backing, saw dust choking labor,  over a year and we missed Family Camp because of it.

And special mention to moving our bed OUT of the living room and 2' from the front door and into a bedroom! Unless you've lived it you have no ideas what a WooT! that is!

( And just to put it in perspective, here  and here are some pics of what it areas of the house looked like after the fire).
It's been a full year and we've made tons of progress on our re-build project. Sometimes I forget just how far we've come - especially when our make shift closet disgorges it's contents on the floor once again. And frankly, I'm tired. I can't figure out if I'm tired because I'm old or if I'm tired 'cause the breaks seem so few and far between and the demands insistent or just 'cause I'm old. Either way, we are moving forward. Inch by inch, baby.


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! What an inspiring post! Your dedication to beautifying your home is motivating. I adore your porch and love your painted/magnetized wall decor. Too cool!

  2. That is an impressive amount of work and it all looks fantastic! We need just about all of those projects done to our house too- just in case you are hiring out your workers:)

  3. Wow! Your family always has so many projects going on. How do you do it? You are an inspiration.

  4. Oh, I would be afraid to do a post like this - it might make me realize just how long we have been in the renovation process.

    Love the mudding photo! I've never seen someone work so close to the ceiling before.


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