We are artist types around here. Creating is what we do. This takes many different forms, depending on seasons, location and who lives here.

and Hermes

Sculpey creations happen so regularly around here that tools are a huge part of any gift list and clay is always welcome! Flower finds inspiration on Pinterest, our Animal Encylopedia and through Literature.

Currently E is doing a Fine Arts Course through Challenge II as part of History of Western Civilization. It's a Humanities Course, complete with Museum and Gallery viewings, Art Evaluations and and Art Grant Proposals, which he created a Power Point for. All good things! Last year, he did a Music Appreciation Course, titled, "Math in Motion," that inspired him so much he started taking piano lessons.
Piano and violin happen weekly; local homeschooling neighbors who have taken music for years are our sweet instructors- friends and teachers all at once-twofer!
Writing is something most of my kids have always done. We have used Writing With Ease, Writing With Skill, IEW, Lost Tools of Writing and The Grammar of Poetry. My "boys" (22 and 17) spend time talking character and plot development with regularity.
One of my favorite movie lines is from Kate and Leopold , It's said without the culinary arts, the crudeness of reality would be unbearable.
Just broaden this statement out to include all arts, and you sum up our beliefs. With art, we learn to express beauty, goodness and Truth.
What are you using for Art this year?
Now I invite you to visit my fellow homeschool bloggers who are talking about seeking beauty in their homeschools:
Links will all be live by Monday at 12 noon EST.
Living & Loving Art by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Putting the Fun in School by Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Art Fun In Our Homeschool by Amanda @Hopkins Homeschool
Fine Arts Is The Fun Part by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
Washing Dust Off Our Souls by Lisa @ Golden Grasses
Bringing Beauty Into Your Homeschool Through Poetry by Dana @ Roscommon Acres
Seeking out the beauty… by Kim @ Good Sweet Love
Joy in Home Education by Sarah @ Delivering Grace
Teaching Drawing (When You Can’t Draw) by Lizzy @ Peaches At Home
Homeschool Art for the Artistically Challenged by Brittney @ Mom’s Heart
Jesus, Peace, Freedom & Our Homeshool by Meghan W @ Quiet In The Chaos
Fine Arts Options in High School by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool
Reluctant Artist? What do you do? by Annette @ A Net in Time
Making Fine Arts a Priority by Lisa @ McClanahan 7
Creative Pursuits by Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Arts and Crafts in Our Homeschool by Shecki @ Greatly Blessed
Where Do You Find Beauty? by Lori H @ At Home: where life happens
Looping our Beauty Topics Saved our Homeschool by HillaryM @ Walking Fruitfully
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