What a busy, crazy fun week.
Of course, there was work, music lessons, math - the usual.
And a trip to the Capital to hear Franklin Graham speak. Loved joining hands and faith with 3000 other Territorians to pray for our state, country and leaders.

Cub has made armor on his own in the past. Because, you know, Gear. This year, I brought him a "Warfare by Duct Tape" book and this was the result:
Pretty awesome! He has big plans to invest in the rest of the series.
CC Parent Practicum- this year, History. Great stuff! And Challenge B training.
Challenge B, baby. Classical Conversations Challenge program is the.best. Coming right up:
Mock Trial, Science Fair, Short Story Anthologies, Science Time-line, Latin and LOGIC.
If you love education or kids, get to a CC Parent Practicum. Fun times.
After a week of everyone going to work and friends and different cities and generally in many different directions, we all met back at home to play games, eat and do laundry.
Ticket to Ride is always fun.
This is Feeche's, "I am strategizing to win" face,
And yes, he did win, but I gave him a serious run for his money.
And then we watched, "Heart of the Sea" because the Practicum Speaker mentioned it.
A great story, well depicted with amazing graphics about the tragedy of the whaleship Essex and the inspiration of Moby Dick. Thought provoking on many levels to the point that we all looked up more info on the Essex and the story today.
Last week we watched Ken Davis' "Fully Alive" - excellent and ohsofunny! Part sermon, part comedy routine, totally inspiring!

You do expect Baby-spam, right? Just over a week old. My kids have collectively decided that the shape of Mr. Samwise's head takes after his Italian side and that he needs a Fedora and suit.


There is clover everywhere; a carpet of fragrant loveliness. Which is a vast improvement over the wormwood and thistles that were choking our property when we first moved here.
Of course, we have bouquets of it inside, too, because, you know, Flower.
Of course, we have bouquets of it inside, too, because, you know, Flower.