Friday, July 26, 2013

Gryphon House: Global Art - TOS Review

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publishing has an amazing catalog of fun things for educators. If you are a lover of things that instill discovery, creative play and education, you are going to love their catalog!

is just one of the books they offer and we had the pleasure of reviewing it.
Global Art
The first thing that happened to the book after we opened the package  was that Flower took off with it and disappeared for just over an hour. She reappeared later with projects she was interested in sticky tabbed throughout. Believe me, more pages were tabbed than not. She has slowly, but surely, been doing the projects she was interested in!

This is not your average "craft" book. Each chapter, of which there are 7, one for each continent, lists project, activities or inventions categorized by country. For instance, in chapter 1, "Africa" you will find things to do from Ghana, Zambia, Mali, Egypt, Malawi, Nigeria, etc. with no less than "130 art ideas from around the world." That's a lot of art, but then it's a big world. Each chapter begins with a short description of the continent, and then a selected bibliography. Each page is a separate project that includes a globe graphic with a star on the country that the project originates from In addition, each country has a "Did you know?" question, which, of course, my "Momma, did you know...?" kiddos loved.
The book is coded using icons indicating experience level needed for the projects, art techniques that will be utilized in each project and the ease and difficulty in preparing for each project. What this means is that even if you are art-phobic, there are projects in this book that will turn out amazing. Even if you are a professional artist, you will find projects in here that will challenge and inspire you! Could it get any easier?
Scarab stones from Egypt.
We've used this book this summer as an interest led guide. Flower, or Flower and friends, pick a project and go to it. Some have been quick and easy, others have take more time- like the "walled city," - the creation of a town, using small boxes, which has been an on-going project. I recognized many old favorites that I hadn't thought of for years; "ice block" sculptures and "soap snow" from Antarctica, pressed flowers from Germany and "stuffy cod hanging" from Fiji. Many of these projects I did with my older kids and it's been fun to revisit them with my youngers. The cool thing about this book is that there are so many wonderful, fun projects all gathered in one place, under the global flag. Love that.

The indexes categorize the book so that you can use it in whatever manner you want: by art medium, experience level, preparation level, by country or continent.
This is a terrific book to use in conjunction with a geography, history, art or unit study. We'll be studying geography in the fall using one of two curriculum's, and we'll be doing a lot more Global Art as we do.
This book is available for Price: $16.95, from Gryphon House. And don't forget to check out their Free Activities; catalog;

Content -excellent
Presentation -excellent
Organization -excellent


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