Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fearless Roofers

You are probably sick of seeing pictures of my house by now. Sorry, but this is what has consumed our summer world. Some day soon, we'll move on to other things. But not yet.

And besides, this picture is really about the yahoos on my roof. Yahoo #1 and Yahoo #2- my boys. You can't really see it from here, but that roof is sloped. There is not a flat part on it. Same with the back porch roof (off to the left in the picture) and the 3rd floor dormer (see those windows on the 3rd floor? Behind them is our walk-up almost finished attic). Feeche and Cub have no.fear when it comes to the roof. They walk to the edge and haul stuff up and go back and forth, like they're on land. No fear. I mean, n.o.n.e. I do. It's not fear of heights, it's fear of falling, 'cause I seem to have developed a gift for that, even while on level ground. Even with that I got on the 2nd floor roof not once, not twice, but 3-count them- 3 times to paint. See all of that gorgeous color between the windows on the second floor? Yours truly did that. And I lived to tell about it. Not bad for a 50 year old with a trashed knee. Dr. Dh did rig up a rope so that I could cling for dear life, which I did, while holding the paint, and a brush, and my breath. Good for me, right? I get the amazing Mom medal of the month, right?!

It's almost done. Thanks, in large part to the Yahoos on the roof. 


  1. You have got some hardworking boys proud! I can only hope that one day my young boys will be that helpful around the house:)

  2. Yikes! That picture makes me cringe! My sister fell off the roof taking down christmas lights two years ago, breaking her leg. I'm glad it went okay!

  3. Heather- I know so many falling off the roof horror stories! I pray every morning for safety! Erin- we are so proud that our kids are willing and able to help ; )!

  4. Those are some hard working Yahoos.

  5. I never tire from seeing pictures of people's houses! Plus, I am amazed at all you all have done. Good job!

  6. I am very impressed with your boys! Good for them! (and good for you for letting them do it despite your nerves). :-)

  7. How nice to have such talented boys when it comes to fixing things. All my boys have musical talent but not so much the other. ;)

  8. I like that not a fear of heights but a fear of falling. Way to go getting up there and painting. I'm not sure I could've done it.

  9. that scares my momma's heart to pieces!

    some days, I'm thankful Ben has a fear of heights!


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