Saturday, April 13, 2013

Evacuees- From the Country!

Spring storm this week. Lots of ice and wind with trees snapped and cracked all over town and lines down coming and going. We ended up evacuating our house after the 2nd day of very intermittent power and motel-ed it. No pool, but very hot showers (total love), great service and spankin' clean!
April 11

We still did school. That's just the fun kinda Mom I am. Despite the fact that we couldn't do Latin, Spanish (review to come!) German, Adventus, Lone Start or Supercharged Science we still managed to get a few things done. Flower finished Perplexors "C" and Cub has a 1/2 chapter left of Apologia's General Science left. Cub and Flower continued diagramming, Cub with Mary Daly's Complete book of Diagrams and Flower with FLL IV. She is LOVEing it; it is much more interactive than Rod and Staff. She's memorizing Ozymandias this week, so we took a break from Horatius. Feeche is almost done with Spielvogel and has been listening to another World History lecture series. The kids are listening to Story of the World again during their free time, but they love it so much (literally) that they beg to listen whenver they can fit it in.
We have Gone With the Wind up next for our viewing pleasure. Prepare to be quoted to death in the coming weeks. Feeche is still doing 20th century but we are mostly out of order. And Flower is fascinated by The Help; she's watched it several times and keeps asking why they didn't just quit and move and tell that lady off and who did she think she was, etc. etc. I didn't think we'd get into in-depth civil rights in 4th grade.

We are easily amused. This is good since life if hard and we live on a budget. Thanks to Jannell's dd for How Animals Eat Their Food.  You will find this a) highly amusing or b) totally stoopid c)so funny you eat like animals at your next meal!

Took Miss. Flower to BooksRUs to inventory the "Blue Nosed Buddies" and found THIS
Front Cover
You know the saying, right? If you have 2 loaves of bread, sell one and buy a lily. Plants are always appropriate, especially flowers, but if you can get a book out of the bargain, all the better. Especially a book by the likes of Sayers. Word nerd love, right there, baby.

Curriculum reviews of the week:

Once the trim is up, we'll be painting the exterior of our house. Oh, and the stairs sanded and stained and fixed since the wallboard stops at the kickboard, leaving a nice gap, and the plaster is ruined on the landing where the kickboard was... I forgot about that little mountain of pure remodeling joy.
Color ideas, anyone?
One more from this week.
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How was your week?


  1. Something bright and cheery for your house!
    That last photo is amazing!

  2. Wow, snow! It was 80 degrees here today. And I think you're an awesome mom for keeping the school going.


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