Saturday, January 24, 2015

Full to the Brim

It was another full week with on-line classes, projects, play practices, uploading and downloading, tutoring, friends, good conversations and not enough sleep. Here is Cub's cool presentation on Excalibur for his Bridgeway Academy LL: Myths & Legends

Play practice continues to be a blast. This group of kids is talented, funny and fun-loving and my friend and ally, Lisa M has come up with some amazing costumes, while the other moms have provided awesome snacks, music and moral support -Winning combo. Cub is playing a tired, food obsessed 15 yo- it's a real stretch for him! They've gone from play practice to ballroom dancing a couple of times.

So, that little fever Cub had over Christmas that knocked him out for 4 days lingers on. It's been a killer (literally) influenza season in the Territories and there have been several tragic deaths. We are all drinking dynamic greens and eating our veggies daily and pumping certain tired, hungry teen boys full of vitamins.
Signed my last two kiddos up for TeenPact this year. Cub is going to the week long class and Flower for the one-day. Survival (TP Alumni event) takes place in our neck of the woods this year, so hopefully we'll add that to our summer activities.  Feeche is actually headed to the State Capitol for the week on Sunday to shadow the Director from Family Policy Council. Now, to make sure everyone has suits, ties and accouterments!
We are really taking down the Christians decorations today- earlier than some years, even. We have January birthdays and they both believe that the house should sport full holiday gear in celebration but this year Directing the plays is putting the last party on hold, so down they come. At 15 and almost 12, my littles are no more. (sniff, sniffity).

Flower is taking great delight in the fact that we are back to art lessons in CC- she is painting up a storm, getting her toes wet playing violin and working her little brain weary studying for Memory Masters. Back to art: We study a great artist every week and then replicate their techniques and style. There is so much great learning to be had by copying the masters! Flower came home and did the same lesson again, as did a bunch of other kids. Cool stuff, that.

Whoever said learning Grammar wasn't fun? This is the awesome "Snow Ball" fight our Essentials Director organized for return from break. Every chart copied over Xmas vacation was turned into a paper snowball, the kids were divided into teams and they tried to get as many snowballs as possible into the other teams buckets. 1/2 hour of uproarious laughter and good times! That's the beauty of CC- it makes the hard work of long term memory aquisition do-able and FUN. The kids are leanring TONS of information that will last them a life-time. LOVE it. 

Image result for john adams HBO
Flower has been watching HBO's John Adams this week, skipping through a couple of the more disturbing sciences. I love the first 4 sessions- a brilliant portrayal of men committed to freedom, their rights as Men of God, with the eloquence and skills to actually do something about it- a true apologetic for classical education if ever there was one!

Don't forget to stop by Monday for the last installment in this years' Virtual Curriculum Fair: Discovering Beauty- the Arts.

Check out the 5th Annual Virtual Curriculum Fair with over 20 participating bloggers a week and a link-up for you to join the party! 

@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!

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