Friday, December 6, 2013

WR: Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Found one of our kittens head first and stuck fast in a plastic mayo jar, in the near 0 temps outside, meowing piteously. The other cats were all around her, meowing compassionately. Cat Rescue 911 entailed cutting the end off the jar, at which point she tried to crawl through some more. The rim of the plastic was thicker than the rest of the jar so between the frantic, wriggly cat, the kids trying to hold and calm the cat and dh trying to cut the rim of the jar and not the cat it took a while to release the beast. 1/2 hour later, pitiful kitten is free of mayo jar and purring like an engine.
GG FB post 12/5/13

White Christmas is de rigour holiday viewing 'round here.
I love this dance scene with Vera Ellen. Talk about skill and passion coinciding.
"I don't remember if I liked [dancing] because I was good at it, or if I was good at it because I liked it. Maybe a little of both." - Vera Ellen.

Have I got a deal for you....
Cub is working through a lesson a day in Learn Math Fast Algebra 1. I think I've talked this program up a lot, but it's because it's solid math that is not intimidating. Winning combo! Now, through the end of the year, if you use the code, "golden", you'll get $5 off your entire LMF order.

I also have 3 Devotions in Torah sets to give away. This are terrific devo guides for the book of Genesis and Exodus. Read my entire review and sign up here.

Math also included VP timeline cards, IXL, Vocab/Spelling City, PreScripts, The People of Ancient Israel by Dorothy Mills. For Advent we are reading Tabitha's Travels.

Had a Hanukkah Celebration with our Hebraic Study Group. Fun times. Great teaching by Laurie, worship, lighting of the candles, great latkes by Judy, deserts, and a rousing game of dreidel, complete with gelt hoarding. We celebrated the last night at home together, dreidel spinning and eating donuts. Given our diet, my kids rejoiced over the obvious partee food. A fun time was had by all.
Have I mentioned the weather yet? No? Because I'm in denial. Because it's winter here. Hard, cold, dark, freezing winter. Dr. Dh didn't make it to work today due to severe drifting- it was just plain unfit for man and beast out. Which is why all of the animals are on a porch; dog on front, cats on back. I'm surrounded.
Best FB forward of the week:
Dirty Mind of a SAHM's photo.
Great advice during hibernation season, right?

@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!


  1. I hope you had a fun Chanukah! My kids won all my gelt. :)

  2. You guys always have such adventures!!! Poor kitty glad he is ok

  3. Hevel- we did! We had a party one night with friends- tons of food and laughs and gelt ; ). Happy Hannakuh to you, too!


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