Friday, November 29, 2013

Narnia and the North


I'm a week behind (what's new?!) but had to share some fun pictures. The kids and I went to see a high school rendition of Narnia last Saturday. They first encountered the actors/actresses at a BooksRUs event last Friday afternoon, along with other cool kid stuff, like face-painting. Fun times.
Cub is in none of the pics 'cuase big Bro arranged a Thor movie going event with friends, picked him up, treated him to movie, popcorn and Action on the Big Screen. Big Bro of the Year award, right there. Cub would like ya'll to know that he has the coolest Big Bro evah.(see photo above).
Meanwhile Flower got warm and cozy with the White Witch. We've since watched 2 of the 3 Narnia movies, along with the Hobbit. It was a watching, rather than reading, kind of week 'round here.

This week we cleaned and cooked. I tried to re-create classic food favs with out the basics. I could post a lot on the "Pinterest Nailed It" (as in didn't) boards as a result. Next holiday, I think I'll focus on steamed broccoli, the Turkey (which was organic and butchered 2 days before and was terrific!) and stuff we've already made. Our guests were gracious despite the obviously weird food. Plus, they brought the pumpkin pie! Love that!

I know I said I was about done with reviews. Except for the several more I couldn't resist. Flower recommends:
Simply Put: A Study in Economics by Catherine Jamie. And don't forget to sign up for the awesome give-away!
Speaking of which: Timberdoodle Love - as in $250's worth- sign up here!
Coming up: Devotions from Torah: Genesis and Exodus and Mere Christianity: Critical Analysis

Narnia Lovers Unite!
Narnia lovers

Speaking of which, my amazing blogger buddy, Amy (queen of the Bow of Bronze Launch Teams) has put together an amazing C.S. Lewis resource list in honor of his birthday.
Have you been keeping up with my Nitty Gritty Homeschool Living series? I'm looking for guest posters, so if you have some nitty gritty experience you'd like to share about in the areas of education, health, finances, parenting, faith, etc. lmk! Every Monday, right here!
Paying for College
Don't Be Sorry: Tend to Yourself as Well as Your Family
The Thanksgiving Tree
Hurts and Heartache
The Christmas Decorations came out today. We've devolved to fake tree status due to severe allergies and our fav tree farm making way for suburban sprawl.
We trim everything in garlands and twinkle lights. Our house has icicle lights on 3 stories, making it look like a wedding cake from the top of the ridge.

One for the road, which Feeche's been on a bit lately. Landscaping is over for the season, but not before Feeche spent a couple of weeks on and off lake-side hauling rock, building patios and retaining walls. His bank account is happy. . And so is his Momma, now that he is home a bit more! He has big plans for making big money before spring landscaping starts, along with college classes, but if you want to know more, you'll have to ask him!

@Golden Grasses 2008-2013. All photographs, artwork and text are the property of the owner unless otherwise stated. Don't miss a thing! Subscribe to Golden Grasses and get our articles right to your inbox!

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