Watched Ragamuffin, the Movie last night, a biographical look at the life of singer/songwriter Rich Mullins. He was a person with struggles, great talents, stubborn faith and insecurities that ran deep. We've listened, worshiped with and appreciated Mullins music for over 30 years, were grieved at his untimely death, and continue to appreciate his winsome talent as we share his music with our kids.
Our pastor prayed today: "God, take our something, add it to your everything and create something out of it." Mullins life is a testimony to the fruit of that prayer in his life, and even death. It's what I hope for as well. Lord, take my something, add it to your everything and may it bear good fruit. Without Him, we are weak vessels, joined with Him, so much more than we could ask or imagine.
That is synergy, baby. Divine synergy. Bring it.
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We're huge Rich Mullins fans too. Can't wait to see this film, althought it likely won't hit theaters around here (limited run stuff never does). So anxiously awaiting its release to Amazon Instant Video.