Rosie's Doll Clothes Patterns is a unique curriculum that will allow you and your kids to learn how to make doll clothes for an 18" doll. Learn How to Make Doll Clothes Video Course with 8 Free Doll Clothes Patterns is a on-line video course that has over 130 videos which will guide you through the basics of sewing, including Troubleshooting videos and cool tips. In addition, this program includes
8 free patterns for an 18"doll, including
sport shorts, crop top, sarong, halter top, summer nightie, hat, pumpkin, underpants
All patterns come with PDF pattern pieces and basic written instructions and step by step videos on how to make the outfits as well.
The videos cover how to set up a sewing room, tools needed, safety issues. troubleshooting tips, common sewing problems, and much more and then progress to step-by-step instructions on how to sew the 8 patterns that are part of the membership.
Since our house fire my very nice sewing machine (thanks, Gram, who thinks every woman should own one!) sat languishing in the attic. Sadly, the sewing accouterments didn't make it out of the fire and we had to purchase the most basic supplies.
Here is how we used this program: Flower watched the weekly videos and made notes about what we needed. We took a trip to SewRUs and found cute fabric, elastic and aforementioned accouterments. We worked together to pin, cut and sew. Flower found pinning excessively frustrating, and really struggled with getting the hang of the foot pedal. We compromised and I ran the pedal while she guided the fabric and the frustration level immediately diminished.
We started with the sarong and the halter top. They were very easy to put together and quite lovely when finished.We did some slight alterations on the waist of the sarong since we found this cute decorative elastic that Flower wanted to use. I was very impressed, as was Flower, who couldn't wait to dress her doll! We also have the nightie cut out of soft flannel and have plans for completing it as well as more of the outfits and hat. This is an excellent program which will teach the fundamentals of sewing. The instructions are clear and Rosie's Australian accent delightful. Flower made sure to talk just like her the entire time we sewed together!
Flower has never used a sewing machine on her own before and so I worked through every stop of the program with her. She now feels fairly comfortable with a machine, and is already modifying what she's learned to use with scraps to make her ideas come alive. An older student or adult could easily do this on their own and learn much, even if they have had extensive sewing experience.
Try a taste of her tutorials for FREE, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name and email. And don't fret, Rosie offers a money back guarantee if, for some reason, you are not happy with your purchase (don't you love it when a company believes in their products/ services enough to back it up).
This program is recommended for ages 8 and up. A 12-Month Online Membership - $48.12If you prefer, you can order the videos on a DVD set for $67.39
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