Starts Monday.
There are 90 bloggers participating- that's 450 articles on homeschooling on diverse topics like Depression, ADHA, field trips, delight directed learning, moving and so much more!
You can get to them all from Golden Grasses.
Here's my line-up for the week:
Nitty Gritty Homeshooling
Day 1 Organize You, Your Stuff, Your Space, Your Students, Your Calendar
Day 2 Show UP
Day 3 When Sanballat Testifies Against You: How to Manage Those Who Would Undermine Your Efforts. (Nehemiah 4)
Day 4 The Dangers of Teaching Truth in a Post Modern World
Day 5 Staying the Course / Finishing Well
Just love this shot.
find it here.
On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare
a feast of rich food for all people,
a banquet of aged wine-
the best of meats and the finest of wines.
On this mountain he will destroy
the shroud that enfolds all peoples,
the sheet that covers all nations;
he will swallow up death forever.
The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces;
he will remove the disgrace of his people
from all the earth.
The Lord has spoken.
Isaiah 25:6-8
The kids were reading: Dragonology, Redwall on CD, and more Betheleham Books. I also finished 19 Minutes by Piccolt. A sobering look at school shootings, bullying, culture and families.
29 gallons of exterior paint later: The fence has been re-built and painted, the dish from cable that we've never had has been removed from the front of the house and we are down to a few minor things to do and then we are done painting the exterior. This has been one heckuva long project. The house looks amazing.PSA: Exterior paint adheres. Especially to skin and hair. Regardless of hot water and soap and scrubbing.
I have one free ticket to give away to a GG reader.
Just a few of the speakers:
Ray Comfort
Diana Waring
Dr. Jay Wile
Carol Topp
Jessica Hulcy
If you want to throw your name in the hat, follow Golden Grasses by google, networked blogs or email, leave a comment that you have or already are. It's that easy. The drawing will be August 12.
Check out this week's review:
Coming Up: Bible Study for All Ages, Your Child's Brain Development, Notgrass American History
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