Friday, January 4, 2013

Welcoming 2013!

Weekly Good Reads
Dr. Dh- re-reading The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. I think I'm gonna have to read it. This will definitely ruin my reading list curve for the year because it is thick and deep.
Me- What They Don't Teach You at Film School- a combo of slap therapy/story/personal ownership and film school (see how I avoid the deep books?)
Feeche- The Art of Non-Conformity; Twitter for Dummies (unconventional depth, right?)
Cub- Swiss Family Robinson, D'Aulaire's Norse Myths and the Lego catalog (Swiss Family is a classic so we touch on deep but definitely leave it behind with the Lego catalog.)
Flower- Swiss Family Robinson, "I love this family! I want to move to their island!" (I think the cuteness factor makes up for any lack of depth).
Birthday Boy
Our 10 lb.2 oz. 24 inch monster at birth is turned 13 this week.

I think he is more surprised by this fact than the rest of us!
Isn't he a cutie?!
2nd Semester
We are changing things up school wise for 2nd semester. More of some things, far less of others. Feeche is doing a couple of semester long classes, like micro biz and devoting large chunks to writing. We are making it a much shorter day at Tutoring Center, giving us time to get stuff done in the morning before we leave for our very long day in town. And Feeche's looking at getting a job again- lots of stuff coming up that needs some serious funding.

Share It Saturday
Share it Saturday- did you play last week? Come and joining the fun tomorrow and link-up. We had some great shares last week, so  if you need some inspiration, stop on over! And Grab a Button while you're at it ; )

Teach Beside Me

School Lite
School this week consisted of lots of free time, continued work on HATB memorization, and read-a-louds.
We threw in a birthday party and some get organized projects before 2nd semester starts and where did the week fly off to?
Graphic Novels
Have you discovered the joys of Graphic Novels yet? They are such an effective medium. While I love the genre, it's almost difficult to find intelligent graphics that don't snuggle up to soft porn. Timeberdoodle has a great selection these days and Cub has memorized important Biblical Truths from practically memorizing parts of the Graphic Bible. Here's a list to get you started:
2013 Goals
Did you set resolutions for the New Year? I'm setting Goals and Action steps from the GTD project. I'm still fleshing out some of the details. For fun stuff I'm adding a project a month- some knitting, some wood-working, etc. I figure it's the only way I'm going to get to some of the stuff I want to get done actually done.
Happy New Year Everyone!
I am praying that 2013 is the year you remember as drawing close to God and seeing His great goodness and love for you in amazing ways!


  1. We are changing things up a bit this semester too.

    By 'graphic novel' do you mean comic bookish? I have seen several at our library that cover serious topics, but I can't bring myself to try them.

  2. Yes, Mary. They are written in "Strip" form. If you can find good ones- they are terrific. My 12 ds is very visual and the pop-out graphics along with the words really make an impact on him (which is why I'm really picky about them, too!)


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