Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Yoda Qualifies!

Finally, after one snafoo after another, I am finally posting pics from FLL State Qualifier that took place on Saturday!
Team "Pit"
Technical Briefing.
What was the strategy for the robot game, what problems did we encounter, how did we adjust?
The Robot Game. Our top score, out of 3 runs, was 185!
The presentation portion: Present the Identified Problem and Solution.

Team Yoda
We won "Best Presentation" at our qualifying tournament, and are going on to compete at State!
Way to go, Team!


  1. Congratulations! I have no idea what this is, but sounds great! ;)

  2. FLL is First Lego League- it's a great STEM program ; )!

  3. Our friend made the Yoda hat, and our youngest team member filled it well!


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