Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Best Christmas Present

Did you have a good Christmas? We did, though it was quite different. We  only had 3 kids here and it quiet and mellow. We had good food, good music, laughter and the fellowship of those we love.

 It wasn't a big present year, but the Playmobile I got last summer at 70% off was a huge hit, the kids each re-gifted things for each other and good books made their way into every one's stash. We played an expansion game of Catan and,wow, it was long game with every point hard won.

The highlight of our day was when our friend, Don, pulled up. His wife is with the grands and he is here for work and we were thrilled to see him. He came and told stories, asked the kids about their presents and talked and prayed with us and offered Godly counsel. Which was a huge gift. Sometimes things and people and situations just don't make sense. No matter how much you try to understand, there is no reason. I can make a craft out of tormenting myself with what went wrong and what I did or didn't do; the could've, should've, would'ves. But sometimes sticky, tangled messes aren't about what did happen, or didn't. They are just about someone making a choice; their choice; their decision. And Don helped me get back on track with working MY program, which is to accept the things I can not change. Today I can do that. And, you know, the tangled, sticky knotted mess in my own mind is gone. And for the first time in long, difficult weeks, I have peace.

Best present of the day? Peace. Friendship. A re-newed mind.


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