Friday, December 21, 2012

Lots of Thoughts

It's Christmas break-ish around here. I am still sorting stuff, books, miscellany, reading tons, taking notes working on a couple of ideas with Dr. Dh, who is slowly, finally getting better, wrapping up the semester, and getting things together for 2nd semester.

This includes what I'm doing with my Jr. High Writing class (WWS I is ovah! A great ride but I don't want to start WWS II mid-year again- ideas? Suggestions? Thoughts?)  and the Film making class I thought was a such a great idea this summer. ACK! Why do I succumb to my great ideas? Anyway, major shout out to anyone who has any ideas about teaching film making to Jr. and Sr. High schoolers. And, of course, my camera/ video cam died just a short while ago. Of course. Crummy timing, horrible timing, no good very bad timing.

For those interested in the GTD discussion, making it work with home-making and home-schooling, Nadene at Practical Pages has a  great post about using Google Calendar as part of your organizational life and The Secret Weapon has tons of short videos on using Evernote with GTD.

This  link below is a couple of years old, but fascinating, nonetheless.
The world's 15 most Extraordinary Homeschoolers. The compelling thing to me is not that they are all homeschoolers, but of necessity, sought out alternative educational opportunities.

Making a list and checking it twice adding to it compulsively. Yep, that's my list for the 52 books in a year challenge for 2013. This is the 3rd year in a row I've participated and it's been a blast. What are the benefits of intentional reading?
1. Hours of entertainment
2. Find great new authors.
3. Improve your own writing- writers are readers. Truth.
4. Learn cool stuff.
5. Explore the world.
6. Meet new friends- the librarians, other bibliophiles, etc.
7. Always have something interesting to talk about.
  Adding to my list from my on-line 52booksinayear group (Robin rocks!) along with some from Bill's list (of Bill Gates fame). I'll be doing my yearly wrap-up soon, but I'm trying to sneak in a few more before the end of the 2012 season! Did you have reading goals this past year? Did you accomplish them?

Have I mentioned I'm part of the TOS Review Crew for the year? I'm jazzed. We are going to have some amazing products to review this year and I can't wait to get my hands on them, test drive them and let you know about them! Check out the TOS Review Crew blog for give-aways, book reviews, educational opportunities and more! I'll be guest blogging there in Jan!

Are you ready for Christmas? (have we not all been asked this a million times in the last 2 weeks?) That question always brings me up a bit short. Really the question is, have you purchased (fill in the blank). We read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever last week and then watched the movie. I love the part where the Angel of the Lord shouts,

He's coming again, white horse, sword swinging, angels singing. 
THAT's being ready for Christmas. 

(Disclaimer alert: though I have been tempted to enact the part of the Angel of the Lord on occasion, out loud, in public, I have not yet in fact done so. This is the same impulse that causes me to sing, with as much gaudy style as I can muster, "Love, You Didn't Do Right By Me" (sung by Betty on White Christmas). You will be relived to know that I don't actually deliver this sermon when I am asked if I am ready for Christmas. I chose the time honored answer of, "No, not really.")

Will you spend the holidays with extended family or at your own home?

Linking up with other great blogs:
Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers, Conversion Diaries, Momma to 4 Blessings , Homeschooling Heart and Mind


  1. You might find some ideas for your film class on my videography page:

  2. Thank you for linking up with Homeschooling Hearts & Minds.

    Have you looked at the Film-making course on SchoolhouseTeachers? I haven't used it (yet), but there might be something there you could use.

  3. Thanks, Barb! I will definitely be checking this out!

  4. Susan- I have. Ds 18 and I are making our way through this!


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