Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Celebrating the Festival of Sukkot

We've celebrated Sukkot for a couple of years now. For more about why and how read my article here.

First up, build the Sukka. It was pretty cold and windy on Saturday so we didn't spend a lot of time hanging out in it. You can get a good idea of what it looked like here.

Music provided by Sean,
whose Brit accent and ability to make a guitar sing got every body ready to celebrate!

Teaching about the meaning and importance of Sukkot; Hebrew studies,history, N.T., it's relevance to us today.

Gorgeous weather for the kids to play in. It finally warmed up. A bit.
Tether ball, tramp jumping, tag and hanging out at the beautiful pond built by our generous hosts Don and Ricki.

Great food:
 turkey, kreplach, squash and tomato parmigiana, beets and sweets, pumpkin soup, challah bread, dates, garlic stuffed olives, peach cobbler, cookies and whatever I forgot.

More music. Got some dance fever going on.

The brave among us learned a couple of dances.

...and actually looked dance-like at one point.

Torah Study. Study as worship.

A Sukkot blessing.

Blessed are you, LORD our God, King of the universe,
who sanctifies us with His commandments,
and commanded us to dwell in the sukkah! 


  1. Thank you for sharing so much! I love to learn about others beliefs and such it is really interesting. You always have really good posts

  2. The festival looks fun, and that bread looks amazing!!! Feeling inspired to bake now. Yum!

  3. Nice pictures and description of Sukkot! I think I will share your blog with my friends!


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