Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Firing with Full Thrusters

N. Men, Buff, smart and funny, to a man. (dh is 2nd from left, ds 17 is far left).
My husband is the bomb.  When we were first married he could do push ups. Lots and lots of them (he still does btw), which is no biggie, right? But he could clap in between. You know, like when he pushed up he would actually CLAP his hands together, so that he was suspended in air. Pretty cool, but it gets better. While clapping  he could also balance me on his back, which is a testimony to how thin I used to be (but even then, at 5'9" I was no small person) and how strong he was. He could do 10 of those babies.

I watched my incredibly talented and buff 17 year old son do 7 clapping push-ups yesterday, sans person on his back, while he turned red with exertion and thought to myself a couple of things:
A) My husband is totally buff- love that in a husband.
B) I can't believe I let him do that-- he could have totally eaten dirt and it would have been a face alterating day and
C)  My husband is the MAN.

Which he continues to prove. Not only does he have incredible upper body strength, but he also fixed my blog. I can now do hyper links and post pictures again. Happy, happy, happy dance!! Major brownie points for the husband!

6th Grade Curriculum

So stay tuned because I have lots to catch up on, not the least of which is a Memoria Press Review and Give-Away (WOOT! WOOT!) and a Element 83 Review and Give-Away (Booyah, Baby!)

ON SALE:  (20% off) The Dangling Summer Sky, Bismuth Crystal Pendant

along with lots of summer pictures that include drama camp, guinea fowl, garden stuff, our horse study and just plain old (as my mil describes them) "everyday pictures."

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