Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Reasons I’m Excited for Next School Year/ Year 22

It will be our 22nd year of homeschooling. Homeschooling has taken on a life of it's own in our family- instead of being the elephant in the middle of the room, it's the bookshelves that line most rooms, the crazy ideas, the wondering where it will take us next. We've past the legal age of drinking as homeschoolers and while we rarely indulge I'll raise my Mike's to the coming year:

10 Reasons I 'm Excited for Next School Year

1. Memoria Press. There's lots to love and we plan to jump in feet first. Not only will we have lots to dive into at home but MP's Geography will be a class offered at Tutoring Center. Two-fer.

2. Flower has taken off in reading this summer. She is devouring American Girl books and is on her 4th series for the summer, along with read-alouds.

3. Feeche is a Senior. We are both wondering how we're going to get it all done this year. There is still so much more we both want to do.

4. Feeche will be participating in Challenge again- this year as staff. He loves this program. We love it for him.

5. Tutoring Center continues with some great offerings. For Cub, pre-physics, geography, writing, art. For Feeche- government, literature, math tutoring.

6. Cub and Flower and dh and I are seriously considering another jaunt through Lego League. What a fantastic program. I so want my kids to love it.

7. As the kids get older and we finish more space(s) in our house from the re-build, the house stays cleaner. It might be shallow of me, but it makes homeschooling so much easier to have things neat and clutter free.

8. The kids are older and there are fewer of them to school, they take on bigger responsibilities for things. It's more manageable, less complicated than a full house with little people.

9. I am spending more time writing. I have more time to write. I get what I'm doing. The kids are cool with my writing while they hang with me. Love that.

10. We have a yearly schedule that we love- Tutoring Center for 32 weeks, with Co-op overlapping for 24. Challenge in the fall, Tantara in January (Festival of One Act Plays), Drama Camp and high school formal in late May, Shakespeare Camp in July, with ballroom dancing, Teen Nights and Ultimate thrown in for good measure. Lego League fitting in, along with working out and play dates. 3 1/2 days at home of focused working.

It's going to be a good year. How 'bout you?
Link up at My Little Blessings to read more.


  1. The Mike's comment had me totally laughing. I know where you hang out :)

    I just counted and this will be Year 10. You inspired me to write about it. I really admire your family. You do so many things. I hope we can eventually be more active out of the home.

  2. It is funny, since Michael moed out 2 weeks ago, the house is a lot cleaner and the noise level is way down. He came by today to do laundry and this house has been way to noisy for me. All along I thought it was Jonathan making most of the mess and it seems little Mike was the culprit. Hmmm So it has been nice only having Jonathan here. He is so quiet for the most part. I never was able to home school with the house a mess. That was just me. I know you know that about me. Of course, my house isn't nearly as clean now as it was. Now that I work, it is less important to me to spend my spare time cleaning. god bless


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