Thursday, June 28, 2012

Summer Snapshot 6- Garden Pastels

I love gourmet salad mixes and because it was so warm this spring I planted ours in March. We have had lovely salad all spring. In the pack was Swiss Chard and we have Bright Lights Swiss Chard growing up lovely amidst the greens and reds of the salad and spinach. Bright Lights have stalks of bright yellow or pink and last night we made a delish side dish.

Make a white sauce,seaon with Spike or Seasoned Salt, add any kind of cheese.
Steam chard stems 2 min. Steam chard leaves 1 min. Drain well.
Add chard to white sauce and mix well. Pour into buttered baking dish, bake until bubbly.

Did you know chard was a type of beet? Not my fav veggie, but you can't beat organic, fresh and beautiful.

What are you eating from your garden?

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