Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Snapshot 2 -Raptor Sighting

We've had some night time thunderstorms lately and the morning was fresh and clean. The kids and I took advantage of the clean air and spent 3 hours in the garden, weeding, tomato caging and reading. They weed, I read.

King of the Wind is this week's pick, thanks to the Horse Unit Study we are doing. The older 2 have heard it before but it is such a beautifully written story, they were happy to listen in. Loving Marguerite Henry's ability to wordsmith. She takes simple subjects, writes to kids and weaves poetry. King of the Wind is a sweet story because justice prevails and our hero proves himself.

We've had a pair of Red Tail Hawks in the neighborhood for a couple of years. The rule the valley and it is a beautiful thing to see them soaring or watch them post sitting in the evening.  Cub spotted them in the air first, thinking he was seeing an Eagle; Red Tails look like Golden's and while our friends an hour north of us have Bald Eagles, I think we are too far from the Big Sioux for them.  Anyway,  it was our pair and they had a fledgling with them. They soared and did their soar scream; kee-eeeee-arr holding us all captive with their wild beauty.

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