Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer School

Summer School is in session

This week Cub worked Latin. First Form I, lesson 21. It's still a push and a stretch but he is getting through. He read 2 more Alex Rider books and another Redwall. We've been in the car a-lot!
Feeche did rehearsals for the high school musical, which will perform tonight! Between rehearsals, he hung out at his friend Jacobs so that we didn't have to drive so much (Thank-you, W family!! We love you!). He had a great time swimming, gardening, reading, working out and chilling with his buds on the east side of town.
Flower did some memory work for the Horse unit study, which starts on Monday. She also read a bunch- The White Stallion of Lippiza, played with friends (never enough friend time for this girl!), decorated rocks (her newest art obsession), jumped on the tramp with the hose for hours and hours.

KB was a working fool and made over $30 an hour between salary and tips this week. Not bad. She has her state licensing board exam in the morning. She's also been researching grant money for the R.N. program she starts this fall. Oy vey. A job unto itself.

Dh is finishing up another on-line class. He's at the end of grading 32 final papers and, as usual, has had some really terrific comments from students about how kind he is as a prof, how much people have learned, how much writing (in a psych classes!) they've learned from him and how students will recommend him or take him again. It makes the monotony of the grading worth it. He is such a great teacher!

I have been gardening.- along with the help of the kids. I'm kinda of the instigator and whip cracker and they are the minions. That's kind of our gardening relationship. We put in potatoes, and melon where the old shed was and I've been tucking vines wherever I find room. The regular flower beds are a wreck but if go back and look at what our yard looked like after the fire (between the fire trucks, propane tank and septic tank installation) I'm not putting any pressure on myself to make it look any better than it does right now. At least it's mowed....mainly. I kind of did the crazy quilt pattern in the barnyard before I quit for the night.

We've been porch sitting every day, lots of great books are being read out there, along with almost every dinner together on the porch. And we had our first summer fire, complete with hotdogs (gag- but the kids still like them) and delicious hot smoes. ("They're called S'mores, Buzz!"). Strawberry salad (lettuce and berries from the garden), and home made cole slaw have been prominent on the menu.

I've hardly read this week, cause I've been working on my stairs (they are going way slow. I'm getting discouraged and KB, who is my resident fellow artist) hasn't been here to help. To divert myself I started on a whimsical garden sign with all of our fav literary places. We keep adding more and more places. What's your fav literary place?
And we celebrated 27 years of marriage yesterday. Time flies. Hoh boy, does it fly. We got a local health club membership to celebrate and it feels GOOD to lift weights and do fast on the elliptical. My knee was a bit cranky after doing resistance on the elliptical but it was fine this morning. This makes my happyhappyhappy!

I need summer movie ideas. What's your fav literary place? What's going on in your part of the world?

Does anyone know how to get out of google chrome? I think it messed up my ability to post links and pics.


  1. you should watch the vow. the first half is incredibly sad but then it gets WAY better and the last 1/4th just makes the whole thing worthwhile. I laughed, I almost cried. It moved me bob. kinda related on a few levels.

  2. My favorite literary destination is PEI, Canada for Anne of GG. We went there on our honeymoon 13 years ago this month!

    Sounds like things are really busy around your place.


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