Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stone Wall

O.K., it's tile, but Tile Wall just doesn't have the same ring to it, wouldn't you agree? 

 The 2nd floor bathroom tile surround has been consuming every spare minute (precious few that there are) of dh's time. The framing was finished with water worthy drywall, painted with hydro-bain twice, measured, re-measured, and again measured. Full scale paper models of the walls were created, various tile designs were considered, tile cutter was rented, tile cutting commenced, more supplies were purchased, mounting began.

Even though he's kissing 50, dh still likes to play in the mud. Let's just call it "house therapy."

We are going plain and simple on the pattern. We have a 4" wide patterned tile on it's way, which will go where the tile stops right now. A glass shower door and the cube windows will make this not-so-big bathroom feel light and airy.

Cutting the tile to make room for plumbing was tedious but dh got it just right. The opposite wall has cut-outs for shampoo and shower essentials.

One small step for mankind. One huge step closer to a finished house.
Whatdya' think?

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