It's been unseasonably warm. So much so that the kids talked Viking Man into putting up the tramp for them yesterday, despite work notes and bathroom tiling to do and to plan. The kids have spent HOURS since then soaking in sun and
We are already planning summer events and camps, I'm thinking that the next 6 months are going to blow by, the calendar is getting crowded and we're still in spring. That being said, I've been having a blast making a bucket list for the notsolittles. I'm not sure how I'm going to format it - I've seen everything from framed lists with "tickets" to actual buckets with activities written on clothespins along the rim (toss in the bucket once you've completed the item- I don't think that will work as some stuff will be on-going). So far I have the following Headings:Crafts
Activities at Home
Activities Off-site
Food/ Drinks
(code 4 educational).
My big goal for the bucket list is to put everything together as much as possible, with supplies and materials so that once we finish co-op, class day, and Landry Academy we are free to play. Well, that and work on the house, garden and tear down sheds. You know, p.l.a.y. while still doing the seasonal stuff that demands being done.
My BIG IDEA places have been my Pinterest boards, Family Fun web-site, Martha Stewart web-site, and misc. stuff we just haven't gotten too lately. We are also planning a trip in May for Miss R's graduation (WOOT!!) , and while we have lots of visitings to do, we also plan to do lots of sightseeing.
I'm also putting together a Morning Math Calendar for my 2 mid/late el-ed'ers. I'm having a some technical difficulties with this 'cause most of the A.M. Calendar stuff is for early eled, but I'm working it. When I get it done, I'll tell ya all about it.
Dont' forget to sign up for the entire, fabulous Learn Math Fast System k-8th HERE. The give-away ENDS this Friday!
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