Monday, November 7, 2011

The 7th Annual Blog Awards are getting voted on as we speak. I'm thrilled to have been nominated in 4 categories:
 Favorite Homeschool Mom Blog
Best Current Events, Opinions or Politics Blog (who me? Opinionated ?!)
 Best Nitty Gritty Homeschool Blog
 Best Homeschool Variety Blog
It's the little things and this made me very happy this morning. We spent the week-end texturizing the ceilings and walls in both the basement and 2nd floor. The house is in complete disarray. The kids dorm in the basement is squished into the middle of the room, they are all sleeping in the living room, there is drywall dust every.where. and we can't find clothes or books or shoes. We are one HUGE step closer to getting the house done and we are thrilled with the progress that we made this week-end but it was still exhausting, hard work and more chaos. It was nice to wake up to something fun and wonderful (not that the texurized ceilings and walls aren't, right ; )!
There are so many awesome blogs listed. I hope you have time to peruse a bunch of them and add to your list of favorites!
And, btw,
I would LOVE your vote!


  1. Congrats on your nominations! And I wanted to let you know that I awarded you blog award and you can pick it up at my blog


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