In my life this week…I planned.
Planned for the Creative Writing class I'll be teaching High Schoolers. I batched my field trip planning and got the years worth done. Tweaked the courses and stuff we have going for the kids.
The Lasting Effects of Your School Christianity Today
Planned for the Creative Writing class I'll be teaching High Schoolers. I batched my field trip planning and got the years worth done. Tweaked the courses and stuff we have going for the kids.
I read. I'm in love. In love with a new author (thanks to TWTM 52 books in a week bibliophiles- again!) Allen Addison is gifted wordsmith. Her writing is called mystical but I like to think of it as a cross between fairy tale and Jungian archetypal paradigms. She hasn't forgotten the magical moments of childhood- the "what-if's," the consideration that things could be more than they seem. Her character development is full- she talks about the scents and feel of people. I'm mesmerized by her descriptions and find myself going back to re-read passages of books. I also order the rest of her collection from the library.
In our homeschool this week…
We don't officially start until next Tuesday at noon but.. Feeche finally finished Algebra 1, plugged away at TC Shakespeare Cd's and started Medieval Lit (no hardship there, history is one of his loves and our brilliant friend Mary Daly is writing the curriculum/ teaching. How much better could it get?!)
Lego League is unveiling the mission today which will find us at the home of our trusty mission control Mom's house with other Lego enthusiasts.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Over plan before you start and then flow and adapt as the year goes on.
My favorite thing this week was…
The Paul Wilbur concert with the Hebraic study group was in the top 5 but so was seeing our friends Paul and Lynn and so was hanging out with Ricci and Don on Sunday. Allen Addison's books were right up there. Planning some cool field trips for the kids and having something totally unexpected to look forward to every month- good stuff.
Things I’m working on…
Salsa. Thanks to the advice of my friend Margy I finally went and got Mrs. Wags. We'll see if that helps. I can cook, but why, oh why, can't I make a decent salsa??
I am also working a program that is causing my paradigm to shift regarding a lot of things. I want to write about it more but if I do it will take the form of another blog or something else entirely.
I’m grateful for…
Our house, our life. Just finished reading Little House on the Prairie to Flower. Jeez Louise. I'm so very grateful for my house and flush toilets and tampons, and refrigerators and modern medicine and cars and a whole host of things the pioneers didn't even conceive of.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
I do enjoy reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteYou are not alone in your struggle to get a good salsa. It took me almost a year to finally get a decent pico de gallo. Keep at it.
Chucki- What's your secret??
ReplyDeleteI can't get my salsa right either. My brother and my brother-in-law both make awesome salsas which I request every single day we are in the same state.
ReplyDeleteWe're starting officially next week to. Enjoy.
I want to hear about the program you are working on.
ReplyDeleteAnother vote for seeing the program you are working on!