Monday, July 4, 2011

Macbeth- Homeschool Style

Saturday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 24 homeschool high schoolers, under the imitable direction of Mrs. K gave a stellar performance of Macbeth. Using the Dover edition as their script the kids worked for 6 days straight, practicing for 6 hours a day. Costumes created by Ana & Jannell (click on their names to see even more fantastic pictures and a video!), make-up by another high schooler, dry ice, smoke bombs, sound and group t-shirts provided by Shelly and Nora. It was...AMAZING!

The weird sisters.
Miss. I (the black haired witch, above,  did the choreographer). Fantastic performances by all 4! Viking Man recited the "toil, toil" speech right along with the hags. 

Lord and Lady Macbeth. Stellar performances by Feeche and the beautiful and talented Miss. A.
Take note, boys. This is the kind of gal you don't want to catch!

Banquo gets knifed. He perished admirably. Really, a great on-stage death.

 Banquo returns to torment the evil-do-ers.

 Great costuming, great on-stage movement!

 Macduff confronts Macbeth.

The 2 Lords and Lady Macbeth. C. (on the left) played Macbeth for the first 2 acts and set the stage admirably. Feeche took over from there.

The gangs all here. I'm so proud of them I could burst
 and all I did (besides go over Feeche's lines with him several times) was to show up and applaud!

The beautiful and talented Directress, flanked by her girlie and the crazy lady.


  1. That is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

  2. That looks so cool! My middle one would love it...but he is just 7! :)

  3. Oh, that looks so great! I really like the photo collage of the Weird Sisters!


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