Thursday, July 14, 2011


We are coming down off a week of company (I am tiiirrred). During that time we got lots of rebuild projects done, but barely stepped foot in the garden. More's the pity because we could have been eating green beans the whole time. The kids and I spent a couple hours weeding and harvesting this morning. Look what we came up with! New potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, beans, cukes, basil, parsley, beets, hot pepper, curly parsley, lettuce (it's been cool for summer time, our lettuce is still bumper cropping), a few onions pulled accidentally,  and cutting flowers (actually, that sweet little bouquet was created by Miss. R. I put cutting flowers in one of our beds this year and I think it's going to be a permanent addition.
On the menu for tonight: steamed green beans, cucumber salad, beet and new potato salad, cole-slaw and fish with pesto. (I'm only throwing the fish in 'cause Viking Man eats meat. Seriously.)

How does your garden grow?

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't have any photos of my garden, and after seeing your photo I'm not going to bother. I am green with envy :). I've a big garden, but it's mostly flowers. After 20 years of gardening in the same place and hundreds of inches of rain to leach minerals and soil, my poor plants suffer from wet feet in clay soil. Congratulations on a beautiful bounty!


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