Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WW: Utter Kitchen Chaos

Two steps forward, one back. Just another day in our life. Yes, the kitchen sink is on the floor. Yes, the contents of all of the bottom cabinets and drawers are in tubs in the dining room. Yes, we are still eating and living here, using paper plates and washing dishes in the downstairs bathtub, homeschooling, sanding doors, painting everything, reading, watching flicks, talking on the telephone, being bouyed by the love of friends & fam, who call and check on us and pray for us and study the Bible with us and homeschool with us, trying to maintain our sanity, (o.k. that's mostly me, not being able to find Q-tips on Sunday almost put me over the edge). The new normal. Just another glitch- new counter top (this time one where the seams match!), shaving the back edge, gluing and screwing in the counter top and reinstalling the sink. Adding another new skill to our repertoire. Good thing Viking Man also goes by Dr. Handy Man.
And that thing about visual order that I mentioned needing here. Guess God isn't in agreement with me yet.  I am closing my eyes and saying over and over again,
"Embrace the Journey, Embrace the Journey, Embrace. the. journey."


  1. I have visions of you dancing around in your lovely COMPLETED kitchen sooner than you think!

  2. Yes ~ Embrace the journey and just think what you have to look forward to!!

  3. SO I guess it is safe to say everything AND the kitchen sink!
    Shibley Smiles

  4. It's hard when you are right in the middle of it, but you'll love it when you are done!

  5. You don't have to keep your eyes completely closed--just squint ;)
    It will come together before you know it.

  6. Bless your heart! It will all come together again. Each day brings new islands of order amidst the chaos.

  7. Well, what an interesting journey! You can't claim it was boring.

  8. I remember when we did major renovations, similar to your experience. We had a two story home and no kitchen... we would take our dishes in plastic tubs downstairs to the laundry room wash sink to clean them! Thanks for the memories!! You'll make it and your heart shows through.

  9. Yes the flashback are returning here also. We lived this also, I finally went on strike and refused to cook on a hotplate. We ate way too much take out! Cholesterol soared.

    I hope to see your finished kitchen...soon.


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