Friday, October 29, 2010

All the Usual + Some

Weekly Review
1) We did school. Math, Science, Writing, Reading, Geography, History. We went to Tutoring Center, where the boys took classes (poetry, history, geography, science, writing, chemistry, Lit and Oral Interp). We'll be going to co-op where the kids will sing (I am loving Cub singing Handel's Messiah throughout the house!!), create art; Cubs class made the coolest paper mache birds! and participate in a unit study (Flower is taking geography and has fascinating facts to share each and every week. They just finished up South America and she has not stopped talking about Mrs. H's , who hails from Brazil, presentation for 2 weeks! Feche is taking Financial Peace- a perfect unit study for High Schoolers. Ballroom dancing has made it into the week's extra curriculars and my lanky 16 year old, who is constantly in motion, has discovered that he loves to dance. Move over Fred Astaire!

Sunrise coming home from the airport.
2) We hosted the Electrician and Plumber this week. Can you hear me singing "Ode to My Dishwasher?"  We worked on the house. Our new door knobs, polished silver, look smashing against the mocha stained poplar wood doors and trim.

3) We spent hours at the airport, waiting on KB, who was trying to get re-routed due to our "Weather Event"  We got up at the crack of dawn to take KB to the airport the day after her scheduled flight. She is back in GA as Campaign Barbie.

4) We made paper snowflakes in honor of the first snowfall of the year. Flower was mesmerized and cut paper for hours this week.

Flower and Friend showing off their S.American Llamas.
5) We watched  movies. Loving Leah (which I highly recommend) and Back When We Were Grown-ups (which we liked but it didn't rock our world) and Feche's Shakespeare class spent an evening with Kenneth Branaugh and King Henry V.

6) We read. Feche- The Last of the Mohican's; Cub-  Signing Their Lives Away; Me-Obama Nation. Out loud- Meet the Remarkable Adams Family. Feche would like to edit the entire Romantic Period. I find this funny because his writing pseudonym should be "Ramble Man."


  1. Wow, your first snow! We have at least a month to go before we get our first snow, which equals inches {grin}. Have a great weekend!

  2. Good luck to KB & her candidate down here! I would say for her to enjoy the warm weather but we woke up to 40°F temps this morning, so not so warm after all! (Still, I guess it's warmer than snow!)

  3. Great week!! They are smiling so that always is a great week LOL

  4. Amazing what you all manage to accomplish in a week. I need to find a coop. :) Yeah for electricity.

  5. Yay! to your week- Hard to beat a dishwasher!

  6. Your first snow? We've had graupel, but not snow yet.

    Your week sounds fantastic. You are an inspiration.

  7. Snow? So not ready for that! Our friends in CO posted glorious snowy FB pictures. We then walked outside to an unseasonably warm 78 degrees!

  8. That Geography/mapping class is one of the highlights of my week! My, I love the kids, I love the program, I love it all.

  9. Ana, Cub LOVES that class! Actually, he loves it all, too (and so do I!! What would I do this year without Tutoring Center??!!)

  10. Hope you're looking back at your year with a peaceful heart and looking forward to a great new year. :)
    Silver & Mocha stained poplar sounds lovely!
    PS Don't like those weeks when the electrician & plumber are my only guests!


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