1- Reading Global Achievement Gap. Excellent, especially when read in the context of Post American World, The New Global Student and 2 Million Minutes (web-site).
2- Eating yummy summer 3 bean salad (a dish I usually don't like, but this version is good!). Garbanzo beans, black beans, red pintos, corn- can of each, drain and toss together with coarsely chopped red pepper, finely chopped onion and tossed with Dried Tomato Vinaigrette. Serve on bed of lettuce.
3- Fetching KB home again (from the airport). Had a great time at Campaign U and Tim won the run-offs so he'll be on the ticket in November. Echols for Public Service Commissioner, Georgia. It's good to be part of something bigger than yourself.
4- Playing Ma Ingalls still. We're all camped in the living room still waiting for the basement to dry out. Almost there and we'll be able to move the beds down and start working hard again on getting the house ready to live in again.
5- Anticipating the Summer Birthday Season, which has almost officially started. Feche-boy will be 16 in a matter of days, then me, KB & Viking Man (plus both of my sister's birthdays and in-laws Anniversary) all within a 2 week time period. We're kicking it off today with the in-laws who are "stopping" by for a speeding bullet visit. Happy 51rst Anniversary Mom & Dad!! Seems like years since we were at their 50th Wedding Anniversary just last August!
6- Enjoying Miss. R's observations on the start of classes this week. We get the treat of seeing her in a week. Looking forward to all 7 of us being together for 7 days, the Black Hills, hiking, swimming, reading- YES!!
7- Loving that Flower (age 7) went to wake up Feche-boy (almost 16) but instead snuggled up in bed with him. Tooo cute. Sibling love is a beautiful thing!
Quick Takes is normally hosted by Jen at Conversion Diaries.days. This week Betty Beguiles takes over: Takes over at her place.
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