Tina at Life of the Gilbert Gang (http://lifeofthegilbertgang.blogspot.com/2010/07/blog-with-substance-award.html) has graciously bestowed a Blog with a Substance Award upon Golden Grasses. It so made my day! If you haven't stopped by her blog, then click the link above and say "Hi!" I love her profile, "to hope to change the world by loving as many people as possible." Lots of great resources and ideas will be found there as well!
The rules for the Blog with a Substance Award are easy...
1. Sum up my blogging philosophy in 5 words: promote, inspire, encourage, impassion, challenge.
2. Pass this award to five others. This was harder than it first sounds as there are so many wonderful blogs out there! I did manage to narrow it down to a few terrific blogs that contain lots of substance. Check em'out!
http://anabragahenebrysjournal.blogspot.com/: Ana is a writer, artist teacher and bibliophile. Her bog is full of wonderful resources, including regular books reviews and gorgeous homesteading pictures.
http://livelearnandlovetogether.blogspot.com/ Carrie's blog just might convince me to go out and buy the SOTW activity guides. Her blog is full of amazing projects that she does with her kids and the pictures to prove it.
http://www.fischerfamilyadventures.blogspot.com/ Heather and her family are living in Singapore while she works an elementary school principal. She is thoughtful and challenging.
http://www.homeiswhereyoustartfrom.com/ HenJen hosts a weekly photo meme. Her blog is not only lovely but full of inspiring ideas.
http://www.smoothstonesacademy.blogspot.com/ Jennifer has a beautifully organized blog- lots of resources to look through and apply along with a sweet and gentle spirit.
And thankfully, Mary at Eulogia did not go away forever: http://evlogia.typepad.com/evlogia/ (which is why I'm at 6 instead of 5- she had shut down for several days, but then I noticed that she was back on-line. I just couldn't bear to take anyone else off the list). Inspiring words and devotions for living sacramentally.
Have fun- and if there are "blogs of substance" that you particularly love, please lmk know about them!
Thank you so much, Lisa, and I love everything about your blog! Saw some ideas and resources ere I had not seen before! God Bless!
Thank you so much for the Blog With Substance award! You are so kind!
My son and I did have so much fun with SOTW last year, and we are looking forward to year 2 coming up soon! You just might like it, too! ;)
Hope all is well with you and the rebuilding of your house!
Thank you so very much! I have been such an infrequent blogger in the past year but I am tickled to death that you thought enough of my ramblings to include me in your list!!! I am honored. :)
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