Stargate Atlantis has been my summer-time guilty pleasure. Feche-boy and I are quickly viewing seasons I & II. It's cheesy, very cheesy, but it has some great lines and some fun characters. Very funny lines, especially after several hours of painting or mudding,quoted by Feche-boy. We even named one of the door frames in honor of a StarGate character; "Bloody Bob." See Quick Take #2 for more info.*2*
I have removed at least as much dry wall tape as I've put up. This is because I really had no idea what I was doing when I started. Air pockets die by the blade. (KB I am LOVING your Xacto knife). My day time conclusion is that finish mudding doorways and windows is a life-sucking force. We felt it a fitting tribute to name one of the doorframes after "Bob" Wraith.*3*
Settlers of Catan voted #1 game of the year by the fam. Played on the porch after supper and accompanied by fresh and perfectly ripe nectarines. I love, love, love summer. Truly.*4*
Narnia is just as engaging and brilliant the 1rst, 27th or billionth time through, no matter how many audio CD's you've listened to or movie versions you've watched. Feche-boy and Viking Man are taking turns reading it outloud. FB reads with a British accent, quite entertaining.*5*
Our parsley seeded due to neglect. It looks exactly like dill. And, oddly enough we had no dill come up this year, though lambs ear made a showing, despite not seeing it at all in the garden for the past 2 years. The strawberries and grapes are loving the rain and growing like mad.*6*
Cyndi & Stan continue to be the best neighbors in the world.*7*
Wednesday morning Bible Study was a life-saver this week. I am grateful for the prayers and words of encouragement of friends. It's been a better week because of them.As always, 7 Quick Takes is hosted by Jen at Conversion Diaries.
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