I'm going to assume the best about our landlords and believe that they weren't intentionally trying to put us over the edge by starting to show the (leased) house this week-end. After 1/2 a week of family, extr
a meals and working hard during the week, we ended up spending the end of the week doing more sorting and deep cleaning the leased house. Saturday the girls and I spent at the UMakeIt Warehouse store- going back 4 different times (who said cell phones were a blessing?) as Viking Man called in more supplies we needed. He, Feche-Boy and our good friend Travis (We LOVE you Travis- and
family, too!) spent Saturday completing the basement sheetrocking project.
Meanwhile, the girls and I played in the mud. KB and I mudded in the attic and 2nd floor. The notsolittles entertained themselves by watching movies, running errands and playing. We've had torrential rain and the fields are flooded, and of course, the river is up to the first field south of the house.
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