Friday, February 5, 2010

WR: Hit the Books

Last week-end, beginning on Friday, was party central. We went to the American History Day on Friday and were delighted by the re-enactments. Abe Lincoln and the Civil War soldier were especially terrific. Saturday was spent at the Theater Department of another local university for the One Act Play and we ended our thespian fun with a cast party at church and a massive sleep-over party at our house on Saturday. Sunday was Miss. Flower's birthday party with tons of friends, cake, ice-cream, presents, crafts, games and a Barbie movie. Whew.

So Monday we changed it up and hit the books. Math skills continue to improve for Cub and he started some more difficult fraction work and division. Flower began carrying as she added and they are both working on graphs and measurement. Still waiting on Life of Fred for Feche-boy but it should get here soon.
We continued with MP's Intro to Classical Studies, which includes tons of reading out loud. KB and I shared that task and we knocked out several lessons. Flower is just cruisin' through PHP's Writing With Ease and Cub continues to slog through IEW's All Things Fun and Fascinating Theme book. Cub finished August Cesar's World this week and continued to read 100 Most Important Events in Church History, which Feche Boy finished.

In addition, FB read a couple of chapters from Ferris' "Constitutional Law" book again this week. He is quite aware of the conservative slant that Ferris takes and commented that it was depressing but agrees that judges are moving away from a constitutional perspective. He continues to do the study guide for the Odyssey and is almost caught up to where he had been reading. And he started the 2nd list for IEW's Adv. Spelling and Vocab- Greece & Rome. Did I already say 2 thumbs up on that? It's great.

This week, too, we finally had met again for TDA (after getting cancelled due to weather several times). Today we had art and drama for both younger and older kids. The younger then had a music lesson, gym time and devotional (we've started Christiana- follow up to Little Pilgrim's Progress). The older kids started IEW's Ancient History theme based book, Apologetics with Dr. Viking Man, and delved into Biology using Apologia. We spent a lot of time today memorizing terms, and learning the classification system. Another book needs replaced in a hurry.

I also finally got Feche Boy signed up for Classical Liberal Arts Academy for Latin but I just can't figure out how to access the class. Hmph. That will happen tomorrow. He finished Brave New World this week, too and declared it "dark."
The X-Box that our friends sent us for Xmas continue to be a source of good motivation and a reason for the younger kids to yell at each other. Flower played a hunting game for about 4 minutes this week and about jumped out of a window when she was "attacked" by a bear. I've relegated her to playing the Lego game, silly goose!
Memory work re-entered our lives in the form of VP Bible Cards, Biology and Latin Phrases. A fun and productive week. How was yours?


  1. Wow! Sounds like a very busy, and productive, week! Great pics, and the History Day sounds like it was a lot of fun.

  2. Sounds like everyone had a fun and productive week.

  3. You guys are doing such interesting things! Thanks for sharing!

  4. There must never be a dull moment at your house. Enjoy it all! Thanks for giving me a peek.

  5. Wow, I don't know where you find the energy! I think I should go on the Laughing Lioness diet. There is certainly a "transmission of culture" going on in your homeschool. (btw- I love that quote.)

  6. The LL diet is oh, so easy... lot's of coffee = )! Thanks for the comment, Mandy about the quote- made my day! I love that quote, too!

  7. Oh no, attacked by a bear. lol. I enjoyed your week - very inspiring.

  8. What a fun week! Would you consider submitting this to the Classical Homeschool Carnival?

  9. Love reading your weekly updates. :-) Good mix of fun and rigor - a balance I'm always trying to find.

  10. fun fun week. I look forward to reading your post each week! Thanks so much for sharing.


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