Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Simple, or Not So Simple, Living

Our family has spent time in the past couple of weeks evaluating where we're at, what we've done, what our calling is, what is the desire of our hearts, how far we can go from where we're at, and if we are at a place where we are stewarding well God's call on our lives. We're at an obvious cross-roads with the acreage and my sister's passing away put the frailty of life, once again, into perspective. Who knows how much time we are each allotted? For us, we want to make the most of it.
Expansionism, Reductionism and Simple Living.
I've been reading a book this week: The Global Student: Skip the SAT, Save 1000's on Tuition and Get a Truly Global Education by Maya Frost (it reminds me of Grace Llewellyn's Teenage Liberation Handbook). An interesting read, it challenges some of the assumptions about what's needed to successfully get into college. I like it, because once again, it's causing me to consider alternatives to the expected; thinking outside the box.

It seems to me we've lived, to some extent, a reductionist life-style on the acreage. Don't get me wrong, I love our property. It is 10 acres, bordered by a river, with a beautiful craftsman style farmhouse. In the spring, summer and fall, you'll find us all outside for hours at a time, gardening, walking, mowing. There are beaver, muskrat, hawks, deer, and all other manner of wildlife, much of which we've seen up close and personal. It is heavenly. However, the Territories being what they are, that lasts for about 6 months. Winter takes over and we hunker down. And kinda stay down until it's over.

We've been into "simple living" for awhile. Which is an oxymoron if you ask my mil or actually do it. Simple living takes a lot of hard work, time, effort, energy and in the end, money. And I'm all for simple living on some levels, like gardening and preserving our home grown food.

But on some level we're realizing that our dreams and callings for the here and now are being consumed by some of the simple. That the "simple" living is causing a reduction in possibilities rather than an expansion of them. And it seems like one conversation has led to another about giftings, callings, heart's desires, hopes for the kids, etc. So, we continue to discuss and pray and wait on God's perfect timing and perfect answers for what's Next.
Next Things.
Have you posed some of these questions to your family? What's been the response? I'd love to hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. My family hates these conversations so we no longer have them. It tears me up to not have a great vision for my family. I feel like they wander aimlessly. I have no clue what God wants for me. Discontent has grown in my heart. I am trying to rid myself of it. I need a retreat of some kind.


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