Created by Burns family productions it's written, scored, directed, and starred in by a group of people with a clear vision. There were moments of cheesy acting, slow dialog and questions on the authenticity of the costumes or weaponry, but overall our fam gave it a big thumbs up. 1/2 way through viewing one of the kids asked if the Burns family were homeschoolers and sure enough they are. Burns Family Productions consists of a group of homeschooling families having a blast with history and media and winning awards left and right with their little foray in to the world of cinema . You can find out more about it here: http://burnsfamilystudios.com/movies/pendragon/news/
I've been described as driven in the past as well as just recently and it's not an assessment that I agree with. During one conversation another friend stepped in, put her arm around me and said, "She's not driven, she has vision." I'll take that as a compliment. I love "success" stories like the Burns family, the Kendrick Brothers (Sherwood Films) and others because it gives me hope of fulfillment, which I believe is the meaning of Hope in the Hebrew. It's about completion.
I've felt knocked off balance of late, for good reason you might agree. Being burned out of our home, a dd's E.R. visit complete with CAT scan, the death of my sister, Viking Man with pneumonia, having a abscessed cyst removed all within a matter of days was disorienting to say the least. I've been floundering with what the vision has been, distracted by others ideas and demands, disoriented by grief, consumed with the house and re-locating. We've been on survival mode, but I keep having glimpses of what the vision is. It's calling to me, but I'm not sure how to articulate what I see could be. I feel unsure about how to proceed. And I've wondered at times if that has been the whole point of this on-going, relentless foray into disorder and chaos. Distraction. My prayer of late has been that God gives me a clear vision, that He refines my hope. That He gives me the tools and understanding and courage to really go for what He's called me to do. I keep having glimpses, and I know what the end could be, I'm just not sure of how to get there.
Clarity of vision. Hope fulfilled. The Vision Refined and Revised.
Prayers appreciated.
Sometimes great loss allows for greater clarity of vision. It's like using the windshield washer in your car. At first, the view is so blurry, it almost seems hopeless, but then, viola!, the wipers go and you can see better.
ReplyDeleteI'll pray for you. With everything going on you've inspired me, here and in the hive, to keep myself calm and collected when things go crazy.