It's been a crazy week at the Gracious Heart Homestead- all the usual, plus Miss R packing and getting ready for college, the rest of us getting ready for the trip, the garden and then the big news- the go ahead for The Daniel Academy this fall- just weeks away. Lots of details to get sorted. The grass continues to grow, the cukes and zukes are almost out of control and the beans are not getting canned, they're getting frozen.
A couple times a year, for weeks at a time, I feel like we are on spin cycle. The list gets divided and everyone does their task, we work in chatting and even going to the park, sharing a cone or a cuppa, praying and sorting out feelings, crying over the death of someone else's child, or even a friend, laughing hysterically at Cubs crazy puns. Sometimes touching base with one another happens in the middle of the night, or in the very early morning, or with one of the adults holding a notsolittle or even one of the other adults. It's a little chaotic....sometimes it's a lot chaotic. In the midst of it all, I Thank God for the beautiful people I'm related to, the property and the freedom to do with it what we want, our country and the choices that we just have, the heartaches and tensions and the will to work it out. Knowing to pray and peace that surpasses all understanding. The goodness of it all. It's a wonderful life. Chaos and all.
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