The Classical School of the Medes is an amazing program that is geared toward "Rebuilding Iraq, one child at a time." It is worth checking out:
Part of their vision is as follows:
Regarding the past- instilling a sense of respect
Regarding the present - injecting a sense of responsibility
Regarding the future - inspiring a sense of destiny
Regarding the future - inspiring a sense of destiny
Guiding students in the joy of lifetime learning, thinking, and self-expression
Guiding students to love and serve God, their family, and their nation
I thrill at these words.
I don't believe that the current American government school system will ever be able to achieve this, or wants to.
I don't believe that many homechoolers will ever be able to achieve this, as much as they may want to.
I do see pockets of places around the country that are achieving this, people partnering together in University Model and Classical Schools and making it happen, along with a few intentional, crazily industrious homeschoolers.
Stephen Covey so wisely stated that "everything is created twice" and it seems to me that we've lost the truth of that. The name it claim it movement is alive and well, both in government with their "no child left behind program" that pushes kids forward regardless of basic skills attainment, to the American church that claims "kids are our future" and yet it's business as usual: kids steeped for 12 years or more in a system that is antithetical to the faith, little to no real Biblical understanding or training, rampat materialism and individualistic fulfillment. Is it any wonder that the church doesn't look much different than the world? The lack of intentionality has ushered in mediocrity and unfulfilled hopes. Stating wants, desires and big vision is a great first step but ends up being a clanging cymbal when the vision isn't fleshed out, intentional, and walked out in faith. I don't know why it strikes me funny that a handful of folks in Iraq get that so clearly.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Act on what you hear! James 1:22
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